Challenge Completed

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Blake summoned his sword and rushed at the beast

He jumped and swung down and he.......


The beast was now flying over him with his wings with its sword bursting with lightning

it then immediately dive at him and swung its sword which Blake had to block and he skidded back

Blake: alright (this is thing, is stronger than those last five combined)

He used his wind magic to meet it in the air and covered his own blade in lightning

The two clashed and it sent lightning flying everywhere then the two combatants where sent flying back and slid across the ground

The beats then flapped it's wings and rushed at him

But this time Blake was ready he pulled out Cerberus and whacked it in the face sending it flying back now covered in ice

Blake held it tightly ready for the next round

Blake: (heh what would I do without you Cerberus I'm sorry I haven't used you very much)

The beats once again lunged at Blake this time going for a full on aerial attack basically dive bombing him

He blocked it with Cerberus but was pushed into the ground but used earth magic too stand firm

Blake: Now!

He used Cerberus and it started freezing the beast's sword

He then used his wind magic to blast it upwards then swung Cerberus to completely destroy the frozen sword

Blake landed

Blake: phew now you're gonna be less troublesome aren't you

The beast jist flapped it's wings then covered it's fists in lightning and flew right at him

Blake stood firm and summoned Gilgamesh on one hand then covered his fist in lightning and struck

A huge shockwave was created as Blake pushed against the monster

They felt relatively even until Blake smirked and grabbed the beast's fist before pulling it in and then slamming it in the gut with Cerberus that then spread ice all over him

Then using wind magic he went very fast towards the beats and then swung with Gilgamesh once again and this time landed an attack right in the gut using the drill too tear into it

It started flying up hoping the fall wouid take Blake with it

But Blake wasn't done he removed his fist from the beats and swung Cerberus down freezing the beasts wings and then by summoning gilgamesh on his leg he slammed it down with a huge axe kick shattering its wings and sending it hurtling towards the ground

It landed with a loud crash as Blake used his wind magic to land softly

He then stepped over its body and walked out the door

The guard was waiting for him

Guard: you.....survived and almost uninjured

Blake: yeah I'm just good like that, anyway I believe there's another person I need to face

Guard nods: yes, the challenge will be stopped and tomorrow just enter the second dungeon

Blake: second dungeon, is there like a coliseum or something

Guard snakes his head; no the chief prefers it this way, there's no distractions, no holding back and whoever wins is whoever leaves

Blake: huh interesting I guess I like that idea too

The Guard nods: alrught go and get some rest, we'll be expecting you tomorrow

Blake: roger that

Blake leaves and he sees the crowd staring at him

Person: did you hear what that guard said

Person2: he actually completed the challenge

Person3: he's not only alive but he looks fine

Person4: who exactly is this kid

Person5: I bet he cheated

Blake snaps when he hears that and let's loose his aura

The man flinches and walks away

Blake: yes I completed the challenge and tomorrow I will face your chief, so I need my rest, so will you all please shut up

The villagers leave him alone and next thing we know we see Blake sitting by a campfire eating some food he cooked

Blake: (I wonder if the chief is one of them, that last monster where almost as strong as an evolved demon, so whoever can control that thing must be tough)

The next day

Blake wanders through the village, his ticket in hand as everybody stares at him

He couldn't give a shit though he just keeps walking making sure to let some of his aura leek out

He had been through so much that he didn't want to be bothered right now

Then he made it too the gate

Guard: right on time please enter

Blake nods and walks in

He walks through a long corridor until he gets too a large room lit up with flames and skeletons lying everywhere but all of them where broken

He walked right to where he was supposed too

So my challenger has arrived, you seem powerful and have slain many great beasts but today is when you finally fall

Then there's a huge explosion and out of the dust walks a something with an unbelievable aura

Blake: (Yeah my theory was correct, he's definitely one of them and by the feel of it, he's the third strongest)

Blake: (Yeah my theory was correct, he's definitely one of them and by the feel of it, he's the third strongest)

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And that's a wrap

Some intense chapters coming up

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