The Guard dog

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The steam clears and the two are left staring each other down

Blake: I've made a descion I've finally had enough of all you freaks, by the time I'm done here, the last three of you is going down and that includes your boss!

Cerberus: Insolent brat, you will die right here and now!

The beast's head switched and suddenly he started breathing out lightning which headed straight for  him

Blake stood firm and punched the ground creating a wall of earth to block the attack

The wall exploded and then out of the dust Blake emerged holding bloodshot, he stay in the air for a few seconds before firing an arrow right at one Cerberus's heads hitting it dead on

Cerberus: argh! Gonna have to do better than that!

Then a stream of fire emerges from one of its mouth

Unfortunately for Blake he was stuck in mid air and took the breath full on and crashed too the ground

Blake: (dammit that hurt a lot, this guy may be bigger and slowly than katsuki but his raw power is higher)

Then an ice attack come hurtling towards him

Blake summoned Gilgamesh and drilled into the breath

But Cerberus just put up the pressure and Blake seemed to get overwhkmed

Blake is then seen frozen in a big block of ice

Cerberus: you have been lucky so far, but no-one has ever gotten past me

But then Cerberus could swear he saw the ice melting

Then a huge blast of fire erupted firm within the ice and when the steam cleared Blake was standing

Blake: Not bad, but on a big opponent like you, I don't need to hold back

Cerberus: oh so you've been holding back while fighting my brethren

Blake: Heh not exactly, it's just a lot easier too go all out when I don't need to worry about collateral damage

Cerberus grew angry and fired a stream of lightning at Blake

But out of thin air Blake produced a stream of water and it absorbed the lightning

Blake: water conducts electricity big guy which means I can do this!

He turns it into a massive ball and throws it off the cliff

Then a blast of fire emerged from Cerberus's mouth and headed st straight for a smirking Blake

In a second a hige block of ice is blocking its way

The fire collides and now there's a lot of steam everywhere

Cerberus: I may not be able to see you but I can hear and smell you!

Blake: Oh can you!

Suddenly out of the steam comes three lightning charged arrows hitting all of its heads causing it to roar in pain

Cerberus: you will pay for that!

Blake creates a big gust of wind expelling the steam

Blake: Well then hit me! With all you've got!

A huge stream of ice is aimed right at Blake

Blake: I'll admit you may be strong, but I've fought countless demons and all of your brethren, have made ms stronger, so no matter how much raw power you have

He unleashes a huge blast of fire right at Cerberus counting the ice And once again the arena is surrounded in steam

Blake: you know this has happened a lot but it's a good thing becuase now you can see this coming!

He slammed his fist down on the ground while it was charged with lightning and all of the steam and melted ice as created a whole lot of water

So when lightning is added too it well let's just say the result is


The mighty beast then howls in pain

Cerberus: Argh! How is this possible I'm the second strongest among Dracula's demons

Blake: that maybe so, but as I said earlier, that seems to just be in a raw power, all I've needed to do is counter you and outsmart you, while was facing your demons I learned how to do, water, lightning, earth and ice magic, every fight as made me that must stronger and added more and more to my repertoire

Cerberus: What are you blathering about!

Blake: I'll show you! You've seen my bow and my ice came from your weaker copy but here goes

He rushed in and summoned playful cloud and struck him in the lighting head

Blake: That was from Hanami!

Then out came Angi and Rudra

He struck twice at the beasts chest as it continued to roar in pain

Blake: I blocked you once with this weapon but here's how it feels!

He summons giglamesh and lands on top of him then slams the drills into its back

Then when the beast throws him off he flips in mid air and launches a buzzsaw that removes one of the beasts eyes

Blake: that was from Echnida

The beast then let out a roar of lightning 

But Blake counters dit by rocking with Devan and then overwhelming it shocking the beast again while the bats took another of the beasts eyes

Then come a blast of fire but it was quickly blocked by a scythe made out of bone

Which when swung down cut the fire in half and also sliced the beasts head in half

Blake: that was from the world gobbler

Cerberus once again roared and unleashed its ice breath but Blake was ready in the air holding his grim blades which he then threw taking our more of the beasts eyes leaving it with only one left

Blake: that was gyuatro and the bow was Stryke

Now he summoned his new weapon

Blake: I think I'll named this thing morning star!

It was a powerful whip like weapon and using his wind magic he rushed at Cerberus and swung it taking out another of the beasts heads

Leaving only the ice one with one eye

Blake: that was from katsuki

Cerberus in desperation unleashed a huge blast of ice

But all the ice was sliced into pieces within seconds

Blake was seen holding a black katana

Blake: and this! Is where it all started!

He disappeared and then reappeared behind Cerberus and seethed his sword

Then the beats fell

Blake: and that was from gramps

And that's a wrap

Pretty epic I thought I'd have Blake just dominate this fight

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