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Blake coughed out a ton of blood

Gyutaro: Hahaha! How amazing! You really thought you'd won, how pathetic

Blake stumbled back clutching his chest

Gyutaro: I'll admit, you where a strong one, but as I told you earlier I needed something to bring back to Dracula and that thing is your head, so either you give up and I remove it so quickly you won't feel a thing out of respect for you, or you keep on fighting and I remove it slowly and painfully

Blake coughed out some more blood but then raised his hand

Blake: ...None of the above

A huge blast of fire appears from Blake's palm and blast's gyutaro right in the face sending him flying back

And Blake used this time to jump into another room and rest

Gyutaro got back up and tore a wall apart and ran around wrecking it until he sliced open a wall too see Blake standing there

He grinned and launched him 

Gyutaro: DIE!

But out came the bladed playful cloud once again to block the sickle and he then punched gyutaro in the stomach

Gyutaro: argh! You should've bled to death by now!

Blake throws his shirt off revealing a massive burn mark on his chest

Blake: I seared the wound closed! I came close too passing out from the pain!

Gyutaro: Hahaha! I was right you really are interesting!  Ugh I'm afraid you cannot win against me! You're barely standing and you've got one foot in the grave already

Blake: I've already told you! I refuse to die here!

Gyuatro: fine! Then show me!


Rotating Circular Slashes: Flying Blood Sickles!

Gyutaro unleashed circular waves of sharp solidified blood from his body

Blake grips his weapons and covers them and himself in lightning once again and despite the amount of cuts she gets he does not stop!

He keeps deflected them and sending strikes of lightning at gyutaro who  can't get close too to the fact that he'd be fried again if he did

He kept blocking or deflecting the strikes that came his way but he could feel he was slowing down

Blake: (dammit even with that training I'm still slowing down, I need something else!)

Gyutaro finally rushes in and it's a copy of what happened before but this time instead of seeming equal, Blake is entirely on the defensive having to block every attack that comes his way, having no chance to strike back

Gyutaro: Just die! die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!

Every time he said die he struck a different part of Blake's body, each drawing more and more blood from him but he was still able to keep it in through all of that

Blake: (come on there has to be-)

Blake's eyes widened as everything around him seemed too slow down

Every blade became easy too block

He parried both of gyutaro's sickles and kicked him in the gut sending him skidding back

Then with more speed then eben he knew he had he rushed forward and started attacking forcing gyutaro to go on the defensive

Every strike he used got faster and sharper

The gramps' words echoed in his mind

"Only when on the brink of death, does a warrior's true power finally awaken, it's something that only happens to the ones who have truly pushed themselves to their limits, it becomes that one last step, the step that allows you too shatter through your ceiling and grow stronger"

Blake knew that this is what was happening so he didn't stop!

He kept attacking

Gyutaro saw a different sight, he may be a demon but Blake was definitely fighting like one

The key change he saw was on his face

The key change he saw was on his face

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A mark had formed

Gyuatro: (No I thought it was just a legend, when a warrior truly does not want to die, but he's pushed too the brink of death, this mark will awaken and make them stronger)

Blake was surging with power so much they he felt like he might get drunk on it but he did know one thing that he needed to end this now

Gyutaro: Just try to kill me! No-one has succeed! No-one in centuries!

He once unleashes circular waves of sharp solidified blood from his body and they all fly towards Blake

But in one second they are all destroyed and Blake appears right in front of him

Time slows down and Blake utters two words

Blake: And jackpot!

He slices through gyuatro

And stands behind him putting his weapon away

The demons body disintegrates leaving two weapons behind

Blake puts playful cloud away and opens his palms and both weapons fly into his hands and then disappear as he stores them away

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Blake puts playful cloud away and opens his palms and both weapons fly into his hands and then disappear as he stores them away

He then walks back to his hotel, not talking too anyone climbs through the window and falls on the bed

He activates his healing spell and his mark disappears

He then falls asleep

And that's a wrap

I thought this turned out quite well

If you're wondering why I'm doing all of this
I thought it would be a good idea to have Blake be op by the time he enters canon but have him earn that power instead of just being a super prodigy

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