The blade demon

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Gyutaro suddenly appeared in front of Blake with his sickle to his face looking like he's going to slice his face off

It luckily Blake narrowly dodged and then struck gyutaro in the gut with a blast of wind sending him back

Gyutaro: Hahaha, those are quick reflexes you have, I'm impressed! But it's gong to take a lot more than that too even make me feel pain

Gyutaro then tossed his sickle at frightening speeds and that was flying right towards Blake's neck

But Blake drew his sword and deflected it  sensing it right bakc too the demon

Blake: heh! Have a taste of your own medicine

Gyutaro looked unbothered and then flicked his wrist and then sickle turned around then went right back to him even faster than it was before

Blake: What!?

Gyuatro: see if you can block this one

But Blake luckily deflected it again but once again it just came back faster

He kept striking it and sending it back but then it would come back faster

This went on for a while

He was quickly getting scratched up and already losing blood but using total concentration he kept the blood from spilling out

He did manage to deflect a lot of the attacks

Blake: argh! That's it!

Blake once again parried the attack and then turned to gyutaro

He gripped his sword and rushed at the demon and went to strike him but this time gyutaro blocked with anti her sickle

Gyutaro: really didn't think I had another one, also you should look behind you

Blkae turned and the sickle was unbelievably close too him but using wind magic in his feet he sent himself upwards and backflipped too land behind it as gyuatro caught it

Gyuatro: wow, you really are impressive, I thought you'd be worn out after that other battle

Blake: it's a technique I can fight until the last drop of my blood is spilled

Gyuatro: hmm I vaguely remember someone who could do that, but whatever LETS TEST THAT THEORY

Gyutaro rushes in and starts swinging like a maniac

Blake summons playful cloud and then tow start clashing

Both of them launching fast and powerful attacks which the other quickly parries

Blake strikes gyuatro on the side but then the demon strikes him in the shoulder

They then both jump away from each other

Gyuatro: Alright that's it!

He then seems to be covered in a dark red aura

Then a dome starts forming around both of them as gyuatro's sickles turn from regular ones to ones that look like they are made out of flesh

Then from every angle blades start flying everywhere

Gyuatro: dodge this!

Blake grips playful cloud and then explodes on lightning magic and rushes at gyuatro

The power of lightning making him faster he was able to delfeact all the blades that attacked him well most of them while gyuatro was also fast enough to fend of every attack that blake threw his way

The two where in a dome of death and where clashing so fast that if anyone saw this their eyes wouldn't be able to track it

Gyuatro: will you just die already!

Blake: No! I have business with your boss! So until I've put him in the ground! I'm never going to fall again!

Gyutaro: Hahaha! You really are an interesting one! Let's see if you can keep up!

The blades around the, start moving even faster

The two keep on deflecting them

Blake: why are you using a move that hurts you!

Gyutaro: Because I want too see which one of us will go down first! Let's keep this going until one of us drops!

Blake: if that's your last wish! Then I'll oblige!

Gyuatro: Oh shut up!

The two keep clashing Blake swinging playful cloud to not only deflect the blades but strike gyuatro

But then the weapon seems to change

The chain on it breaks leaving only two of the chucks

Gyuatro: oh what a shame! There goes your weak

Blake: heh not so fast

What remained in Blake's hands where two sharpened chucks that could definitely do some damage

What remained in Blake's hands where two sharpened chucks that could definitely do some damage

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Gyuatro: Oh interesting! We'll bring it!

Blake then started to swing and thanks too it now being two blades the speed was even faster especially adding lightning on top of that

Gyuatro: Now this is a blast! I can't wait to shred you too pieces once you fall

Blake: heh!

Gyutaro: huh?

Blake unleashed a huge blast of lightning in all directions destroying all of the blades p

Blake: (fee that took too long to charge up)

Then the gripped his blades putting wind magic into them and struck gyuatro across the chest sending him flying back and crashing through a wall

Blake is breathing heavily then starts walking over too the body of the demon to hopefully retrieve something



Gyutaro appears out of the rubble very injured and holding a sickle in his hand

And then slices Blake across the chest sending blood flying everywhere

And that's a wrap


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