The explosion demon

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Blake: Wow so what the hell are you?

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Blake: Wow so what the hell are you?

??: oh don't play dumb, you know exactly what I am, I can tell by your aura tha5 you've fought countless of my species

Blake: Yeah you're right, I've killed a ton of demons and so far killed about 8 of you evolved demons

??: impressive so you even managed to take out Stryke and gyutaro

Blake: Uh huh and let me tell you they weren't easy

The demon nods

??: I always thought they where a pain in the ass they could never fight fair

Blake: fight fair?

??: Well yeah gyutaro always jumped in when the enemy was already low on energy and Stryke wouldn't get close if it killed him

Blake: which it did, he sacrificed everything but his head and I killed him

The demon starts laughing a little

Demon: Oh that's good! Hahaha, So let me guess your goal is too take down Dracula right

Blake: Yeah, he killed someone precious too me so you could call it revenge but it's also because scum like him don't deserve to live

??: I gotta agree with you there that guy is such a bastard

Blake: don't you work for him

??: He made me evolve, why do you think I hide out as the chief of this village I do my job and get to stay away from him it's a win win

Blake: Well you do understand I have to kill you, right?

The demon nods again

??: oh I know and I don't plan to make it easy for you

Blake: please it'd be weird if you did

??: True so what's your name kid

Blake: I wouldn't call myself a kid

??: Fair enough let's say our names as we rush each other

Blake: Sounds good to me

Blake summons Gilgamesh

The demon gets into a stance

Wind starts to flow around Blake

A loud crackling sound could be heard from the demon

Then as a stone from the ceiling fell to the ground bath rushed at each other

The demon with a large explosion

Blake with a burst of wind


The two swung their fists at each other and clashed sending a shockwave through the room

Katsuki then smirked and opened his palm that's when there's the crackling sound again

Blake: what the..

Then there's a huge explosion and Blake is sent flying back into a wall

Blake: argh! 'He coughs out some blood' dammit

He wipes the blood of his mouth then gets out of the wall and rushes at katsuki aiming for a strike of his own

But katuski was faster using his explosions he jumped up and then swing a swing slammed an axe kick down onto him crashing him into the ground

Blake: (shit that hurt!)

Katsuki then readied an explosion aimed point blank

But Blake slammed his fist down and a block of earth slammed into the demon sending it back

Blake then used this time to get back to his feet

But katsuki was already in his face so Blake jjst instinctively swung his fist striking the demons face

But it wasn't enough Blake was hit by another point blank explosion which once again sent him soaring back into a wall

Katsuki: and here I thought you'd actually be fun to fight, it appears I was wrong

He launched at Blake and then slammed his fist into the demon hunter's gut

Blake: argh!

Then his other fist met Blake's face causing him to spit out blood again

But he gritted his teeth and head butted katsuki in the face

Katsuki: argh! That was cheap!

Blake: there's no such thing as dirty in a fight!

Blake then slammed Gilgamesh into katsuki's chest sending him soaring back

Blake: (phew alright so his power is explosions well in that case)

He summoned Cerberus

Blake: Well then let's see what you can do!

Katsuki rushed at him again and aimed an explosion but he unleashed Cerberus at the spark disappearing

Katsuki: What the...

Blake: Can't handle the cold huh

He swung Cerberus and struck katsuki in the face sending him flying back

Katsuki: So you figured it out huh well then guess I'll need to turn up the heat

The demon the moved even faster any normal human wouldn't be able to see him but Blake could

He swing Cerberus and managed to block the attack and then struck the demon again

Blake then rushed after him and punched him in the gut once again sending him flying back into a wall

The demon seemed very shaken up but quickly got out of the wall

Katsuki: alright no holding back this time, a little taste of my full power!

This time katsuki went even faster and started using his explosions to spin him around

Blake put up Cerberus to protect him and then katsuki was in his face

Katsuki: Howitzer Impact!

A huge explosion is triggered and when Blake used Cerberus to block

The weapon is completely destroyed and shatters into pieces

Katsuki grins

Katsuki: Well looks like you're out of luck

And that's a wrap

Ooh interesting

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