One of their parents dies

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Ponyboy: The news hit Ponyboy like a physical blow, leaving him numb and lost. He retreated into himself, struggling to comprehend the sudden absence of one of his parents. His eyes, usually so full of curiosity and hope, now reflected deep sorrow and a sense of abandonment. Despite trying to hold it together for the gang, his grief was palpable, affecting even those around him who knew him as the youngest and most innocent of the group.

Johnny: Johnny's reaction was quieter, his usual quiet demeanor now tinged with an overwhelming sadness. Losing a parent meant losing a piece of the fragile stability he clung to amidst the chaos of his life. He withdrew further into himself, seeking solace in memories and the comfort of his friends. His eyes, once haunted by fear, now held a deeper, more profound sorrow that spoke of a loss that cut to his very core.

Dallas: Dallas reacted with a fierce anger that surprised even his closest friends. Losing a parent reminded him of his own turbulent relationship with his family, stirring up emotions he usually kept buried deep inside. He lashed out at the world, pushing away those who tried to comfort him, unable to confront the vulnerability and pain that threatened to overwhelm him. His eyes, usually guarded and sharp, now betrayed a rawness that spoke of a wounded soul struggling to find a way to cope.

Darry: Darry's strong facade cracked under the weight of his grief, his usual stoic demeanor giving way to a rare vulnerability. Losing a parent meant facing a deep sense of responsibility and loss, burdening him with emotions he struggled to articulate. He retreated into his work, trying to distract himself from the pain, but his eyes, usually steady and determined, now held a sadness that mirrored the void left by the absence of a loved one.

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