Them being punched by their grandma

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Ponyboy: The unexpected punch from his grandma left Ponyboy stunned and bewildered. He had always been close to his family, especially his grandma, and the violence of the act shook him to his core. Confusion and hurt clouded his usually bright eyes as he struggled to make sense of what had just happened. Despite the pain, he searched for understanding, hoping to mend the rift that had suddenly opened between them.

Johnny: Johnny's grandma was a source of comfort and stability in his turbulent life, so her sudden outburst shocked him deeply. The pain of the punch was physical, but the emotional blow cut even deeper. He recoiled, his usual quiet demeanor shattered by a mix of hurt and confusion. Tears welled up in his eyes as he struggled to reconcile the love he felt for his grandma with the betrayal he now perceived. He withdrew, seeking solace in the support of his friends and the gang.

Dallas: Dallas had always been resilient in the face of violence, but the punch from his grandma caught him off guard. He had a complicated relationship with authority figures, but his grandma had always been a touchstone of stability. The sting of her blow fueled a mix of anger and hurt, emotions he struggled to contain. His usual tough exterior cracked, revealing vulnerability and a sense of betrayal that he rarely showed. He withdrew into himself, grappling with the conflicting feelings stirred up by the incident.

Darry: Darry's strong exterior masked a deep sensitivity, especially when it came to his family. His grandma's punch hit him like a betrayal, shaking his usually steady composure. He stood in stunned silence, his mind racing with questions and hurt. Despite the pain, he maintained his dignity, but the incident weighed heavily on him. He sought understanding and resolution, hoping to mend the rift caused by the unexpected act of violence.

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