They die

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Ponyboy: As life slipped away, Ponyboy's thoughts turned to his family and friends. He had always been the dreamer, with a keen sense of the world's injustices and beauty. In his final moments, he felt a profound sadness at leaving behind those he loved, especially his brothers and the gang. His eyes, usually bright with curiosity, now held a quiet acceptance as he embraced the inevitable. He hoped his death would not add to the pain of those he cared about, finding peace in the memories of his short but impactful life.

Johnny: Death came swiftly, and Johnny's last thoughts were of redemption and a fleeting sense of peace. His life had been marked by hardship and trauma, but in his final moments, he found solace in the bond he shared with the Greasers. He wished he could have done more, been more, but accepted his fate with a quiet resolve. His eyes, haunted by fear and pain in life, now closed in eternal rest, leaving behind a legacy of courage and loyalty that would forever be remembered by those who knew him.

Dallas: For Dallas, death was a familiar companion, but this time it came unexpectedly. He had always lived on the edge, unafraid to defy death, but in his final moments, he felt a sense of weariness and regret. He thought of the people he loved and the life he had led, marked by violence and defiance. His eyes, usually sharp and guarded, now closed with a hint of sadness, leaving behind a complicated legacy that spoke of resilience and vulnerability hidden beneath his tough exterior.

Darry: Darry's death was a shock to those who knew him best, a pillar of strength suddenly gone. He had carried the weight of responsibility for so long, sacrificing his own dreams for the sake of his family and friends. In his final moments, he thought of the people he loved and hoped he had done enough to protect them. His eyes, usually steady and determined, now closed with a sense of peace, leaving behind a legacy of sacrifice and unconditional love that would endure beyond his passing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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