They were ran over by a truck

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Ponyboy: As he lay on the pavement, pain coursing through his body, Ponyboy struggled to make sense of what had just happened. His mind raced with thoughts of his family and friends, his usual optimism overshadowed by fear and confusion. Despite the shock and agony, he clung to memories of his loved ones, finding strength in their faces as he fought to stay conscious. His eyes, usually bright with curiosity, now flickered with pain and uncertainty as he waited for help to arrive.

Johnny: The impact was sudden and brutal, leaving Johnny stunned and gasping for air. As he lay on the ground, pain radiating from every inch of his body, he fought to stay conscious. His thoughts turned to his friends and the gang, his usual quiet demeanor replaced by a fierce determination to survive. Despite the agony, he whispered reassurances to himself, drawing on memories of the love and support he had found among the Greasers. His eyes, usually haunted by fear, now reflected a deep resolve as he waited for help to arrive.

Dallas: In the aftermath of the collision, Dallas's instinct for survival kicked into overdrive. Despite the excruciating pain, he remained eerily calm, assessing his injuries and taking decisive action. His usual tough exterior cracked under the weight of agony, revealing vulnerability and fear that he rarely showed. He gritted his teeth against the pain, his mind racing with thoughts of his turbulent past and uncertain future. His eyes, usually sharp and guarded, now betrayed a rawness that spoke of a wounded soul grappling with mortality.

Darry: As he lay on the roadside, Darry's first instinct was to protect those around him, despite the searing pain coursing through his body. His strong facade cracked under the physical and emotional strain, his thoughts turning to his responsibilities and the people who depended on him. Despite the chaos around him, he remained remarkably composed, his voice steady as he directed those nearby to take action. His eyes, usually steady and determined, now held a mixture of pain and determination as he fought to stay conscious and await medical help.

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