જ Rudiment જ ☾Cait☽

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Book: Rudiment

Reviewer: CaitrwBook: Rudiment Author: v_nuslvr

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Title: 5/5

I feel like this title fits PERFECTLY for this book. I did have to look up the definition but once I read it I couldn't think of a better title.

Blurb: 5/5

The blurb is written beautifully where there is not too much or too little information that was written. It gives the readers just the right amount of information where they will know what's going on and an idea of the plot.

Plot/flow of the story: 19/20

The story's plot remained consistent through the 10 chapters where there were just details added but never shifted from that plot which builds such a strong story. As for the flow, the flow is perfect where the story is not moving too fast or too slow but at a pace where readers get to enjoy it. The only reason I took a point of was because there was a couple chapters in the beginning that did not seem to connect.

Character development: 5/5

I love the character development so far. You have really brought life to these characters, especially the main character, where not only have you made them loveable like any good story but also relatable in other ways. You have done an excellent job at building that character's background and how they all mesh with being demigods as well as their parents in such a natural way where it wasn't just rushed and put onto us.

Grammar: 4/5

This story has little to no grammar errors which made the story really enjoyable to read as well. The only errors that there were are in the beginning when you said things like I and Melinoe it should be Melinoe and I. When mentioning about one thing and yourself using the word I you want to put I last. There were also a couple little spelling errors and one punctuation issue.

Readers enjoyment 5/5

If I could rate it higher I definitely would. I really really enjoyed this story and I will definitely be keeping an eye out for more chapters because I just love it! (p.s. please say that Thalassa will end up with Luca or Jordan!)

Total: 43/45

Overall, I know I just found my next book that I constantly look for the updates about. This book was just amazing and captivating where I couldn't put it down but still had to because I didn't want to get to that end. This story has such strong writing that plays a role in it being so enjoyable. The writer also did an amazing job with not only creating the characters background and making sure it was all consistent as well as unique/fits the plot but also with the world building but using just the right amount of descriptions where you didn't overload the readers.

Furthermore, the author does a great job with the mythology aspect of it all and really liked how she's staying true to the myths (like medusa's story being mentioned). I think this is what really pulled me in as well because of the authors great knowledge on Greek mythology, i absolutely love Greek mythology and always have where I know a great amount of knowledge about it and to see the author sticking with that while putting their twist on it just makes my heart happy. Also little note from me a reader please say she end up with one of the boys like her and Luca's connection is just perfect and her and Jordan's is rocky but that makes the best trope.😭

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