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When y/n came back with her stuff the prospect showed her the room. As Gemma said it wasn't fancy, yet it was somewhat cosy and not a shabby motel. Kipp, the prospect, left and she started unpacking her few things until she heard a knock on the door. Once y/n opened it a guy with a mohawk and tribal tattoos on each side of his head was standing in the hallway, shooting her the biggest smile she had ever seen. "I was sent to tell you to be in the main room in ten." he said looking at her green eyes, he felt his stomach tingle. Her long blonde hair was now up in a messy bun on top of her head, exposing her collarbone and neck, causing him to swallow hard. "I ... I'm Juice!" he quickly said, looking at her face again. Y/n smiled at him"Nice to meet you Juice!".

Once y/n went to the main room she saw Gemma and the others had set up a 'welcome-party' for her. After being introduced to everyone she sat down on one of the couches with her drink and she talked to the guys a little more. "Nice accent. Where ya from, lass?" the man with the thick scottish accent, Chibs, asked. "Germany." Y/n bluntly said taking another sip of her drink. Happy's and Juice's eye widened a little. "How come you end up in Charming?" Happy wanted to know and she told them the shortened story of how she came to the US and the guys nodded understandingly.

The party was great and she felt more than welcome. She had to answer a lot of questions about her riding a bike and being a mechanic, but by now she was already used to that kind of questions. The later it got the more people left to their homes and dorms, some even crashed on the couches or pooltable in the main room not able to walk anywhere. The only ones left sitting at the bar were Tig, Happy, Juice and y/n with the prospect handing them drinks every now and then. "Guys, i'm calling it a night." Y/n jumped up from her stool. "How come you're not even staggering the slightest after all those drinks, baby girl?" Tig asked a little impressed. "Must be the german in me." she joked as she walked towards the hallway. Happy also said his goodbyes to the others and went in the same direction as her, his room being at the far end of the hallway. He quickly caught up to y/n, startleing her a bit and causing her to stumble. Happy quickly reached for her, pulling y/n to his chest to steady her. Y/n felt his strong arms around her and the warmth radiating from his body on her back, causing her cheeks to flush a pinkish color. Luckily it was quite dark in the hallway so there was no chance of him seeing it. "You ok?" he rasped out beside her left ear, sending goosebumps all over her body, while he still held her close. Y/n nodded and thanked him for catching her, while he let go of her. "Good night, 'germany'." he whispered in her ear while passing her. "Night." she replied, quickly pushing inside her room,closing the door behind her.

Once Happy heard the *click* of her door behind him, he turned to look at it for a second, as his eyes locked on Juice standing in the hallway in front of his own room, sending his a pissed look. Happy shrugged his shoulders and mouthed "what?" while Juice gritted his teeth, opening his door, smacking it shut once inside.

"GERMANY" - Charming's new mechanicWhere stories live. Discover now