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Thanks to Tara, y/n got an appointment at the hospitals OB GYN on upcoming Wednesday. Juice went with her, both sitting in the waiting area tensed up. He bounced his leg the entire 20 minutes they were waiting for y/n's name to be called and when it finally was, both looked at each other. Their eyes filled with excitement yet looking anxious. Once in the room the OB asked y/n some questions regarding her last period and wellbeing. Juice just sat there staring at the ground, his heart beating fast. „Miss Y/l/n please laydown next to the ultrasound machine and lift your shirt." the doctor said and y/n followed his instructions. Juice stood behind her, one hand resting on her shoulder, he chewed on his other thumb. A cold gel was placed on y/n's stomach and her eyes were glued to the monitor of the ultrasound machine, trying to identify what she was seeing. The doctor moved the probe on her belly just a little and he got a perfect view. A white outline of what already looked like a real baby showed up on the screen. Juice quickly grabbed y/n's hand as his eyes widened at the view on the monitor. „T..that's our baby..." he whispered, while his wide signature smile spread across his face. „Yes, it is." the doctor confirmed. Tears of joy forming in both y/n's and Juice's eyes as they looked at each other, Juice quickly kissed her passionately. „Seems like you're already 11 weeks a long. Congratulations!" the doctor proceeded, pushing a few buttons on the machine. He handed y/n an ultrasound picture and smiled at them. „Thanks doc!" Juice smiled brightly. „See you in a few weeks." the doctor said and they both left the room.
Back home Juice pulled y/n into the house guiding her to the couch and pulling her down in his arms. „Show me our baby again." he kissed her on the head and y/n pulled out the picture. He gently took it from her, looking at it with tears of joy in his eyes. „We made that!" he said goofy, causing y/n to giggle and nod her head. „We're going to be a family. You, me and this little nugget." he softly said resting his head on hers, already leaning on his shoulder. „We are!" she said tilting her head back to look at him. Both look at each other's eyes for a moment before kissing passionately. The kiss quickly getting heated and Juice hovered over y/n laying on the couch beneath him. Suddenly he stopped in his tracks. „What's wrong?" y/n looked at him puzzled. „Aren't we hurting the baby? I mean i am heavy and laying on top of you may crush it." he genuinely asked causing y/n to laugh a little. „No, silly." she giggled before he eyes went a little darker and she pushed Juice onto his back. „Maybe we should do it this way if you're to concerned." she straddled him and looked at him with lustfilled eyes. „Guess this will work." he said with a smug on his face pulling her to his lips again.

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