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In a blink of an eye it already was friday afternoon, the garage just closed for the weekend and everybody left to get ready for the carnival later. Y/n stood in front of her dresser with er arms crossed. She couldn't decide on what to wear for a brief moment until something came up to her mind and she searched through her clothes. „Perfect!" she held her outfit up to look at it then quickly put it on. She grabbed a small black backpack and put her wallet, phone and another clothing item inside before heading out to the parking lot where she wanted to meet up with Juice and the others in 2 minutes. Before opening the door to the hallway she glimpsed in the mirror one last time. She wore black biking shorts and a black cropped top both hidden under a long Hoodie. Juice already waited for her outside and the others just rolled up the lot. When she approached her bike taking her helmet Juice patted the back of his bike and she walked around hers towards him already clipping her helmet. „You sure?" she asked looking at his face. „Totally." he answered also putting on his helmet. Y/n grabbed his broad shoulders and swung her leg over the seat. Once she shuffled in place she wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands resting on his stomach. Juice started the engine and looked at her over his shoulder. „Ready for some fun?" he said setting the bike into motion. Y/n nodded her head that was resting on his back and he sped up.
The ride to the carnival was a whole experience itself. Juice was a fun driver and y/n really enjoyed it. As he turned off the engine at the carnival y/n quickly dismounted his bike looking around for something. „Be right back. Wait for me." she called out to Juice while running somewhere. He sat on his bike with a puzzled look on his face. Just two minutes later y/n came back to the bikes where everyone waited for her to return. Juice had his back turned towards her and as she approached the group Tig saw her, his eyes lighting up as she put a finger on her lips to tell him to keep quiet. A smirk plastered on his face. When someone tapped on Juice's shoulder he turned around to see y/n standing behind him and his eyes widened. She had changed out of her hoodie and had put on a black midi-length wrap skirt with a slit, exposing her right leg with all its tattoos. „You look stunning." he quietly said and y/n smiled brightly. Tig patted hard on Juice's shoulder causing him to wince a little „That's a fine ass lady. Better watch out so no one steals her." Tig looked y/n up and down wiggling his eyebrows before turning to go to the carnival. Juice's eye still glued to the beautiful woman in front of him. When she saw that he didn't move she nodded her head in the direction Tig and the others were heading and made a few steps, causing him to unfreeze. With an excited look and big smile he caught up and walked next to her to the carnival.
The whole crew had a lot of fun at the fair. They rode the ferris wheel, participated in some game booths where y/n won a little teddy that she gave to Abel who was brought along by Jax. Juice's heart melted at the interaction of y/n and Abel. „You're a natural with babys." Jax smiled at her. „Bet you'll make a great mom one day." he added, causing her to blush a little, while Juice watched her in awe as he mentally agreed with what Jax just said. „You can't get her pregnant by just looking at her." Tig hit him on the shoulder. Juice turned his head looking at his friend in disbelief that he just said that out loud. Luckyly the only one who seemed to noticed it was Chibs who nodded in agreement. While walking around the fair a little more some guys tried to approach y/n but everytime Juice quickly intervened by just popping up behind her or pulling her to him by her waist, looking at the guys with a death glare everytime making them turn on their heels. He even saw Hale almost drooling over her, what made him smirk cause he'll never get a chance at her. At some point the group decided to get some drinks and sit down at one of the tables waiting for the fireworks. Once the drinks were empty y/n offered to get another round and went to the booth. „Stop staring Juiceyboy." Chibs laughed across the table making Juice to turn his head. „You're almost drooling man." Jax elbowed him also laughing a little , Juice's cheeks were flushed by now. „Can't blame him though." Tig said looking at y/n's ass, earning a slap on the head and a warning look by Chibs. „Juiceyboy's in love." he stated causing Juice to drop his head in embarrassment. He didn't like how weak she made him, but at the honest thought about it, he couldn't deny what Chibs just said. „Looks like he's not the only one." Jax pointed in her direction seeing a guy approach her making her visibly uncomfortable. Juice slowly lifted his head and when he saw the guy grabbing y/n's ass he snapped. He jumped up and with large steps he walked over to her. „Here we go..." Chibs said amused, watching the show thats about to unfold with the rest of the group.„May i help you!" he growled pissed behind the guy trying to make a move on y/n. „Get lost! I'm talking to this lady." the guy waved him off without looking at him. Big mistake! Juice tightly grabbed his shoulder and repeated himself „may i help you." Causing the stranger to finally turn around and once he saw Juice the color drained from his face. „It's not nice to harass women." he said fuming, digging his fingers deeper into the guys shoulder. „I think you owe that fine lady an apology." he titled his head waiting for the guy to say something. „I...i'm sorry..." he whimpered so Juice let go of him, quickly turning to y/n. „You ok?" he looked all over her as if she was physically hurt. Meanwhile the guy ran off, not risking to get hit by Juice. „Yes, thank you." she assured him. Juice helped her carry the drinks to the others, who welcomed him back with applause.
When it was time for the fireworks everybody gathered at the open area in front of the ferris wheel. With a loud bang the first firework exploded in the sky, coloring it a beautiful violet color. While watching the play of colors Juice snaked his arm around y/n's waist pulling her with her back into his chest. She slightly melted into the hug, her eyes glued to the sky. „So beautiful..." she said watching the small explosions of color. „I agree." he whispered looking at her, not talking about the the fireworks.

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