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The next days went by uneventful. It was already Wednesday and the garage was already open for a few hours, when Gemma opened the office door connecting to the garage. „There's a pickup needing to be towed. Happy, you free?" she called out. Happy straightened himself and lifted his hand to catch the keys to the towtruck Gemma threw at him. „Take someone with you." she said already closing the door. Happy walked up to y/n and stopped next to her, causing her to lift her head to look at him. „You comming ‚germany'?" his raspy voice echoed in the garage. She stood up and followed him to the truck, jumping on the passenger seat. They had to drive for a while, to reach the pickup that broke down just as the owner left the highway. The entire ride Happy kept glancing at y/n, which she noticed, remembering what Gemma said to her saturday night. The past few days y/n kept thinking about that and she also thought about the two men, realizing that they also had an impact on her.
„Everything ok?" she asked. Happy nodded „Why?". „Cause you keep looking at me like i got something on my face." she joked. „Just like what i see." Happy bluntly said. Y/n smiled, shyly brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Once they reached their destination they hooked the vehicle and jumped inside the truck to head back to Charming. While setting the truck into motion and shifting the gear Happy accidentally brushed his hand on y/n's thigh, making her heart skip a beat before pounding like crazy. Happy was also startled by the unintended contact to her soft skin, quickly looking at y/n's reaction. When he saw her flushed cheeks he couldn't help but smile. „Now you got something on your face." he chuckled looking at the road in front of him. Embarrassed y/n quickly grabbed her rag and threw it at him. „Stop it." she giggled burying her face in her hands.
Once they returned to TM the others already finished work and were heading to the clubhouse. „Go change, i can handle the rest." Happy said to y/n and she willingly accepted his offer. She quickly went to her room and turned on the shower, stripping off her clothes. As the warm water hit her skin she put her head against the cold tiles. „I got to figure this out." she said to herself. Since Gemma talked to her about Juice and Happy, she couldn't stop thinking about them. Both were so nice to her yet they were so different, which was appealing to her. Y/n put her head back running her fingers through her hair, while lost in her thoughts.
When she broke up with her ex she thought she will need a lot more time to be interested in a man again and now just one and a half weeks in Charming she was already intrigued by two of her coworkers who were members of a MC. „How am i supposed to figure this out?" she thought turning off the shower.
Y/n was just drying off when she heared Clay shout „Church in 5!". On her first day Gemma told her not to interrupt or eavesdrop a meeting of the club, so she decided to stay in her room until she hears the others again. In the meantime y/n put on some comfy shorts and an oversized shirt which hit midthigh covering the shorts, before she started cleaning her room. She was lost in her thoughts again as a knock on her door made her snap around. When she opened the door Happy stood in front of it, a big backpack resting on his shoulders. „I have to leave for a run. Don't know when I'll be back." he said in a monotone voice. „Ok, take care!" y/n said hugging him goodbye. Once she let go of him they both looked at each other for a moment, before Happy quickly pressed a kiss on her cheek. „See ya ‚germany'." he raised his hand while walking down the hallway disappearing behind the entrance door. Y/n stood perplexed in the doorframe resting her hand on the cheek he just kissed. „See ya'" she mumbled her eyes still resting on the entrance of the clubhouse.

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