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„Thank god, it's friday." y/n said as she walked into her bathroom turning on the shower. There was a heatwave the past few days, making her more drained at work as she usually is. She had to get used to this kind of heat, because she never experienced such weather when she lived in germany. Y/n quickly removed her workclothes and stepped under the shower, washing off her body from the dirt, oil and sweat that build up over the day. Once she stepped out she dressed herself in a sundress letting her hair airdry, which wouldn't take long thanks to the heat. The guys sat in the mainroom of the clubhouse, most of them shirtless underneath their kuttes, blasting the AC to cool off. Juice was just taking a sip from his beer when y/n walked in, wearing a short black dress hitting mid thigh. The look of her caused him to choke on his beer coughing violently while Chib heavily hit his back. „My, my, Juiceyboy. Forgot how to drink?" he laughed at Juice also causing y/n to chuckle. „Hi guys!" she waved at the clubmembers she hadn't seen at work today, walking to the bar to grab a drink, almost all eyes following her there. While slightly bending over the bar to fetch a straw, her dress rode up a little revealing the hem of her lace panties, which went unnoticed by her but definitely not unnoticed by her audience, causing some jaws to drop. When she turned around she saw the strange expression on their faces. „You guys ok?" y/n asked lifting an eyebrow. „More than ok, doll." Tig said dreamy earning a smack on the head followed by a death glare from Juice. For a moment y/n looked at them confused but decided to head outside. Just as she left through the front door, Juice jumped up following her. „What? You can't deny that ‚germany' is fucking hot!" Tig called after Juice apologeticly, while rubbing the back of his head, where he just got hit. The others nodding in agreement. Just after a few steps Juice had to rearrange „something" in his pants, her little show caused. After awkwardly tugging at his pants he quickly caught up to her. „Where you heading?" he asked putting on his shades. „Quick walk to the store." she said while walking towards the gate. „May i tag along?" he smiled at her and she nodded. They had been walking for some minutes when y/n's phone buzzed and she looked at it smiling and typing something. „This the costumer from the other day?" Juice asked with a little bit of jealousy. Y/n lifted her head and had a questioning look on her face. „The one that handed you his phone. Figured he was texting you now." he looked into the distance avoiding y/n's face. She chuckled at his jealous behavior and shook her head. „No. Just a family friend, who handles my matters back in germany. I had to prolong my contract for renting out a storage unit for my stuff that i can't let them ship here yet." she turned her phone showing him the messages in german. „ Besides from that, i gave the customer a wrong number. Not actually wrong though. It was my old number back in germany. Just wanted to get him off my nerves." she laughed a little as Juice, looked at her with a bright smile. He was happy she didn't text with some other guy, but he also was embarrassed to falsely accuse her of it. Luckily y/n didn't seem to bother, so he brushed it off.
As they reached the store Juice saw something suspicious so he told her that he waits outside, so he could take a look. She agreed and went into the store, grabbing a basket at the entrance. After strolling through 2 aisles a deep voice caught her attention. „ Been hearing of the arrival of a real german." an older half bald man stood in the aisle behind her. When y/n turned around she could see a right-wing symbol tattooed between his collarbones. She didn't want to be confronted with such a person, so she pretended she hadn't heard him and wanted to walk past him, when he held his arm in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. „That's not very nice little girl." he said tilting his head. „Was willst du? (What do you want?)" she asked him in german hoping he would let her alone due to not understanding her, trying to walk to the register. But he stopped her again. „See, i know you're working at Teller&Morrow so you have to speak english. So don't play with me little girl." his voice started to sound pissed. Y/n knew she had no other choice than to talk to him. „What do you want from me?" she crossed her arms trying to look unimpressed by his attitude, but inside she was scared of him. „See, i knew you can speak english. I just wanted to welcome you to Charming." he put on a fake smile, dropping his arm, he held out in front of her, to his side. „You know you shouldn't have any business with the sons, they're no good." he stated, causing her to lift an eyebrow. „You should come to my place sometime, i have some friends that are dying to meet ‚the german' too. Very nice guys." he offered. „I'll think about it." y/n lied quickly walking towards the register, not being stopped this time. „Yeah, ...you really should." he said in a scary almost threatening tone, while watching her pay and leave the store. When she went outside, Juice was leaning on a brickwall. Y/n quickly approached him and as he saw her worried look, his smile dropped. „What happened?" he looked at her over the rim of his sunglasses. „There was this strange dude with a right-wing symbol on his chest. He wanted to talk to me because he heard that „a real german" was in town." she explained, her voice was a little shaky. Juice looked into the store seeing Ernest Darby standing at the register and he knew that this was the person she was talking about. „He knows that i am working at TM, warning me about the club and he invited me to meet his friends that already know about me." y/n proceed to tell Juice what had happened, her voice getting quieter towards the end. He took his eyes of Darby and let his eyes rest on hers. „Let's go back, ok?" he took the paperbag out her hands and he put his hand on her back guiding her in the direction they came from. After a few minutes he took his hand off her back, holding his hand out in front of her while still walking. „Give me your phone." without questioning y/n grabbed her phone from her pocket handing it to Juice. He typed something and pressed the call button. The phone in the innerpocket of his kutte ringed and he pressed the decline button on y/n's, handing it back to her. „I put myself on speed dial, number 1. If something is up or something feels wrong you give me a call. Ok?" he looked into her eyes with a serious expression. Y/n nodded as she looked at the phone in her hand, putting it away just a blink of an eye later. „Thank you!" she smiled at him and he returned the smile.
Once back at the clubhouse y/n went to her room and Juice went to Clay and Jax to ask for a meeting in chapel, to tell them what happened at the store. Quietly every member was informed to meet at chapel, so y/n wouldn't notice something was up. Once the members sat around the table Juice was told to explain the situation. He explained everything and looked at his friends. „We have to keep an eye on her. Darby really unsettled her." Everyone agreed and Clay ordered that y/n shouldn't go anywhere alone, but to keep it discreet so she doesn't notice it and maybe got scared. With this he closed the meeting. Chibs hooked this arm around Juice as they left the chapel, followed by Jax and Tig. „The woman's keeping you busy, Juiceyboy." Chibs chuckled a bit. „Yeah..." Juice admitted. „but at least i got her number now." he smiled brightly holding up his phone wiggling it in the air. Jax and Tig looked at each other in disbelief. „You're one of a kind Juice..." Jax laughed but shook his head.

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