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The furniture from germany arrived 2 weeks later and with the help of the club they renovated the house. Some members even brought some of the missing furniture for them and after 5 weeks of work their home was finally done. Juice and y/n wanted to thank everyone for their help by hosting a party. The house and backyard were big enough for everyone and so they invited them over for friday. Gemma offered her help with grocery shopping and preparing everything, she hosted many parties at her house before and knew how to deal with everything, so y/n was really happy about her help. Both women took a day off from work that friday to get everything ready. When y/n woke up that day she was feeling off and when she brushed her teeth a wave of nausea took over her. She held onto the sink steadying herself and breathing through it. Once it wore off she splashed some cold water in her face. „Must be the tension about the party." she talked to herself in the mirror and went to get dressed. Her stomach also was upset last night at the thought of having the party. She wanted everything to be perfect.
Gemma picked y/n up and they went to the store. They already had everything in their carts, but as they walked past the butcherstand nausea took over her again. Luckily they were near the costumers bathroom and y/n managed to hold it in until she reached the sink. Gemma came looking for her and when she saw y/n throwing up violently she quickly held her hair. After y/n calmed down a little they payed and went to the car. Once inside Gemma looked at y/n with a questioning look on her face. „The party is upsetting my stomach i guess. How do you deal with this stress all the time?" y/n looked at her, but Gemma didn't seem convinced. „Wait here darling. Be right back." she left y/n in the car, returning a few minutes later with a paperbag in her hands holding it in front of y/n. „What's that?" she asked looking at Gemma and then into the bag. „Maybe..." Gemma started before being interrupted by y/n. „No! That can't be possible..." she said looking at the pregnancytest inside the bag. „Well, there's just one way to be sure. Let's go back home, so you can find out." Gemma stroked y/n's arm before starting the car and driving to their new home. They unloaded all the groceries and y/n sat at the kitchen island, looking at the small paperbag sitting next to the bigger ones. „You good?" Gemma tilted her head looking at y/n, all the color had drained from her face. „I'm scared." she admitted, but Gemma was right, the only way to be sure is to take the test. Y/n slowly reached for the bag and went to the bathroom. She followed the instructions and with shaking hands she placed the test on the counter while washing her hands. The manual said it takes 5 minutes to show a result so y/n went back to Gemma. „Waiting?" she asked and when y/n nodded she pulled her into a hug. „Everything's going to be fine, baby." Gemma assured her while rubbing y/n's back. The back door suddenly opened and Halfsack entered the house. „Hi Ladys, the guys send me to help with setting everything up. I need to take a piss though, be right back." he said while quickly walking towards the bathroom. „No!" both yelled. Y/n and Gemma couldn't react fast enough due to his surprising appearance and when they went after him, they already saw him standing in the bathroom holding the test. He turned around and looked at them with wide eyes. Gemma fetched the test from his hand and both women looked at it. „Two lines..." y/n whispered before her body froze. Her mind drifted off and she couldn't hear Gemma anymore, who was telling her everything is going to be figured out and will be fine in the end. Gemma guided her into the living room sitting down on the couch with her and placing the test into y/n's hands. Halfsack followed them mutely sitting down on the ground in front of the couch. He just realized he ran into something he wasn't supposed to. When y/n looked at the test again it made her snap back to reality. „How am i supposed to tell Juice? I don't even know if he wants kids. What if he doesn't?" y/n talked really fast looking at Gemma as if she had an answer to her questions. „Oh Darling, believe me he wants kids. Especially with you." she said to y/n causing a questioning look to appear on her face. „At the carnival, when you interacted with Abel he had a look on his face like he wanted to get you pregnant right there and then." Gemma told her, yet her expression didn't change. „You'll figure out when it's the right time to tell him. That's all on you." she softly said to y/n, shooting an angry look at Halfsack. „You heard that prospect? You won't tell a living soul or i'll make sure you'll never talk again." he nodded, afraid of what Gemma might do.
After y/n mentioned that it would be to obvious if she didn't drink tonight Gemma came up with a plan. The prospect was handling the bar that evening, so she instructed him. „You get that?" she asked in a very serious voice. „You only hand her drinks without alcohol. Mix it like normal, but dump the alcohol. I don't care how you do it and if you have to drink all the shots that are supposed to be in her drinks, just do it secretly." she ordered. „Yes, ma'am." he saluted at her. „You think that will work?" y/n asked unsure if the plan is going to work. „It has to." Gemma simply said before returning to prepare the food.

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