Chapter 07 - A new mission.

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Jennifer threw the daggers at the target once again and from her little apprentice a five-year-old girl imitated her movement.

The master smiled proudly when she saw that the girl had achieved a result almost as good as hers on the target, if she continued like this she would soon be as good or even better than Jeniffer was at that age.

As the girl ran to retrieve the weapons Jennifer allowed herself to remember the past, they had been difficult years, with Jack's disappearance, she had ended up becoming the squad leader.

The simple memory of her former lover was enough to steal her peace of mind, she had never been able to forget him. When he left, he even considered the possibility of ending everything, it would be so easy to put a bullet in his head! She would have ended his suffering, but she didn't, she found herself too cowardly for that or perhaps she was stupid enough to believe that sooner or later he would return, with time he realized that this was not going to happen and any trace of love turned into hate.

Who did that idiotic psychopath think he was to reject her like that? She had spent a long time imagining painful ways to end his life, to cause him as much pain as he had inflicted on her, she became so obsessed that she began to lose weight, she couldn't eat anything, everything made her feel sick, two months after Jack left, She decided to go to the doctor where she found out she was pregnant.

Her motherhood was what gave her the strength to face the new world without Jack. At first she was afraid that her baby would be born with the same problem as her father, but as soon as she held her in her arms she fell in love unconditionally and swore to protect her from the lifestyle that had robbed her father of his sanity.

He decided to call her Maria Eduarda, because he remembered that one night between the sheets, Jack or Edmundo, she no longer knew, had told him that if they had a girl, she would give her that name.

She soon realized that for her initiative daughter she was nothing more than a weapon just like Jack and she had been her entire life.

She had sometimes thought about running away from the organization, but she was not a fool, she knew that they would impeach her and bring her back or worse, they could kill her and if that happened, her daughter would be alone in that hell.

Finally, she decided that this was the safest place for her and Eduarda, and she decided to make her daughter the soldier that everyone wanted.

Eduarda had inherited her parents' ability and was by far the most promising of the children her age.

The little girl returned with the daggers, but before she could say anything a soldier approached her and saluted Jennifer.

-Lieutenant Jennifer, the general wants to speak with you.

- Eduarda, continue training, I'll be back soon.

- Yes, mommy - replied the girl.


As soon as Jennifer arrived in General Gredenko's office, she was immediately taken to his presence.

- Lieutenant Jennifer, I'm glad you can fulfill my request - said the general - I'm surprised how you've made progress with your daughter, she's an example to be followed! I have no words to thank you for the service you provided to our nation.

- Thank you sir, but I'm just fulfilling my part of our agreement.

-Well, it's exactly to talk about our agreement that I asked you to come here.

-No! - Jennifer exclaimed suddenly.

-Don't you think you should first listen to what I have to tell you- Gredenko suggested.

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