Chapter 03 - The two of us.

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The room was in darkness, in the center under a small table was an empty bottle of wine and flowers, next to it thrown on the floor under a mixture of men's and women's clothes, showed what had happened.

Jack was sitting naked by the window with the moon's glow illuminating his body full of muscles and scars, next to him Jennifer's naked body rested on the bed.

Jack looked at her, her beautiful blonde locks fell over her perfect breasts, her beautiful blue eyes reflected sadness and disappointment. Upon realizing that she was being observed, the young woman covered her eyes with her forearm, wanting to escape that embarrassing situation.

Jack also looked away and looked back at the window. She was beautiful, he thought frustrated, more than perfect! And he wasn't indifferent to her charms, at least not completely.

- I'm sorry, I thought you were joking, just trying to escape responsibility - Jennifer said discouraged. - You should have told me you were impotent.

-No, I'm not-she denied it slowly.

- How do you explain that?

- I can explain, it's just...

- You are gay? - said the girl.

Jack's eyes wandered over the feminine curves and taking a deep breath he said:

- I don't think so.

- Holy shit! I should have suspected! - said Jennifer, indignant at her own stupidity.

- I'm not gay, okay! - Jack insisted.

- So with another woman you can do it?

- If I can't do it with you, I can't do it with anyone, I guarantee it - he said, meditating on the question.

- Do you know what will happen to me? - asked Jennifer depressed - They're going to keep making me sleep with one after the other to see who will work, at least you were the best of the best, if it didn't work they would leave me alone.

For some reason beyond his understanding, the young woman's sadness upset Jake.

- Let's do it like this - proposed the boy - Give me a few days, a week, I don't know, I'll read some more spicy books...

- In the meantime, what do the authorities say? -she asked confused.

- Say we're trying.


Days later...

A group of soldiers who had been sent to carry out a mission in the city, the group ended up deserting their command and started a riot in an old building in a middle-class neighborhood of the capital.

As always when this happened the Pallas initiative, that is, the group of elite soldiers were sent to solve the problem.

Jennifer and Jack sat side by side in the car as usual, in silence Jack checked the weapons, Jennifer leaned back against the window and looked at the landscape, imagining what kind of mess they would have to clean up that time, Jennifer was a soldier dedicated, it was not like her to question orders.

The country was always in first place, it never backed down no matter how difficult the mission was, everyone considered it an example of efficiency and professionalism, that day, however, it did not feel exemplary at all, since the failure that occurred in its intimate mission with Jack felt like a real fiasco.

The car stopped in front of the building where a group of insurgent soldiers were protecting a group of rebels.

The officer in command explained the mission succinctly. Kill all the rebel soldiers and finish the mission given to them, that is, eliminate the group of rebels.

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