Chapter 14 - Patient Zero

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Taylor walked down the hallway laughing, Olga had no idea that at a very young age, he had discovered that he had quite unusual tastes for someone who was raised in a military environment.

He could introduce you to women from all over the world, the opposite sex just didn't attract him. The discovery of his homosexuality had been a shock to Taylor, for a long time he had blamed the gods.

Wasn't his life hard enough? Didn't he already suffer enough from being abandoned by his parents as a baby? Wasn't he already despised enough for being a foreigner? Why did they have to do it with such peculiar taste? That would only bring more unpleasantness to his life.

The soldier reached the end of the corridor and turned right heading towards the exit of the building, the intense sun made him blink, but his sharp eyes quickly got used to it.

As time went by, he ended up coming to the conclusion that it wasn't his fault for being the way he was. After all, if dogs were not ashamed for barking nor birds for flying, why should he reject his own essence?

Pallas' Law did not prohibit homosexuality, but the social stigma was enough to inhibit its popularization, homosexuals did not reach prominent positions either in the army or in politics, so if he wanted to have any chance of growing in the initiative he would have to ensure that his life staff continued like this.

Many times, he had to ignore the comments of colleagues who, without knowing the truth, accused him of what he was, when he refused to go out with the beautiful young women who shamelessly courted him.

Sometimes he had thought about giving in, accepting an invitation to dinner from one of those beauties and pretending he was dating, just a few kisses and hugs wouldn't be such a big sacrifice and would keep evil tongues out of his life.

But he didn't have the courage to put his plans into action, the mere idea of ​​deceiving a young woman who had feelings for him in such an ignoble way was demeaning to his dignity.

He was gay, not a monster! He had a deep respect for women and the role they played in society, he just couldn't feel desire for them, simple as that.

He then preferred to say that he was too dedicated to his career to maintain a relationship, exclusive dedication to the cause! This was something that the initiative not only respected but encouraged.

Taylor walked to his jeep that he had parked in front of the administration building, jumped into the driver's seat and drove away screeching toward the hospital that was two blocks away.

Over time, Taylor ended up discovering that there were others like him in the initiative, yet he never had a relationship, not for fear of being discovered or due to lack of curiosity, but rather because his heart had already chosen a chosen one.

Taylor discovered himself to be a romantic fool, not only had he chosen the most inaccessible object to focus his affections on, he also realized that after this choice no one would be able to replace him.

The jeep parked in front of the two-story house that was the headquarters of the initiative's hospital, although from the outside it looked like an old and neglected building, he knew that inside he would find the most modern facilities and technology that money could buy.

Only, the best for Pallas's army, he thought dismissively, heading towards the gatehouse.

He had also been raised not to settle for anything less than the best, and of course his chosen one could only be him: Jack. He was not only the best soldier, the most efficient warrior and the leader with the most successful missions, but he was also the most feared and respected, things that for Taylor were essential in a partner.

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