Chapter 05 - Edmundo Montenegro.

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The days passed and Jack and Jennifer's relationship continued at full steam, each romantic interlude was a journey of unique discoveries.

They simply couldn't get enough of each other, everything should be perfect, but two things disturbed Jennifer, the first was the fact that she hadn't gotten pregnant yet and the second was Jack's behavior.

When they were in bed together, he was Edmund, her passionate lover, when they were out of bed, he was Jack, her partner and friend. And that was fine with Jennifer, if that was how he could express his feelings, she didn't care.

If she needed a character to express her love for her, that was fine, although in reality, Jack had never said he loved her, not even when he played Edmund, but Jennifer knew that certain things didn't need to be said in words, when she was in her prime. arms she felt loved.

The problem was when Jennifer began to realize that Jack was taking the character very seriously, out of nowhere he started to play Edmundo outside the privacy of his room, then he started to be Edmundo when he was alone with other people, everyone in the organization commented, some They insinuated that he was finally going crazy.

Jennifer had tried to talk to him but despite her tact she was unable to convince him to give up the role, on the contrary Jack became increasingly aggressive when she tried to convince him to give up the role.

Time passed and Jack's stubbornness became increasingly worse, Jennifer no longer knew what to do, sometimes she wondered if her lover really didn't have a psychological problem. If it wasn't possible that he had emerged too much in his own role?

Jack had always been somewhat unstable, yet a part of Jennifer refused to believe that he was going crazy.

That morning, they were called to the general's office, they were both sitting in the anteroom waiting for Grendenko to receive them.

Jack seemed very calm, with his hands clasped behind his head he was whistling an old song from a horror film, Jennifer hated that song, but she thought it best not to complain because she didn't want to irritate him before the conversation with the general, something told her that that The summons had something to do with the child they had not yet fathered.

The attendant got up and went to the door saying:

- The general will receive them now.

Jack and Jennifer entered, Gredenko was sitting behind a desk stamping some documents, without looking up he said:

-Sit down, please.

They sat down, the general finished what he was doing and only then looked at the couple sitting in front of him.

- Jack, Jennifer, I'm glad you could come - said the general - I called you here to find out more about your relationship, from what I heard the project is going from strength to strength.

Jennifer blushed, it was still difficult for her to talk about her relationship with Jack.

- Yes sir, everything is under control - replied Jack.

- What about you, Edmundo?

Jennifer was surprised that the general called Jack by his nickname and even more surprised when her friend responded without blinking.

- You are certainly not asking me about the relationship between Jack and Jennifer - he replied - Despite my friendship with her I have no way of knowing about her sexual relations.

-Jack...- Jennifer whispered without understanding what was happening.

When the general had become aware of his sexual fantasies and why his friend was pretending to be Edmundo in his presence.

- However, Edmundo we saw that your performance is falling in military training - continued the general - your supervisor said that in the last simulation you missed almost all the shots.

-Yes, sir, it's true, I'm not as good at combat as the others - Edmundo agreed - but I'm trying to improve myself more in medicine so as not to be useless on the battlefield.

- If that happens we will have to transfer you to another organization - said the soldier bluntly - The Pallas project is not a philanthropic institution, soldier, we were created to kill people, that's what you were trained for.

- Yes sir. I will try to do my best.

-Dismissed, Edmundo.

Jack stood up, saluted and left the place. Scared, Jennifer turned to the General.

- What kind of joke is this, sir?

- Let me say it! What kind of kinky sex are you guys having? I know a woman can turn a man's head but this is ridiculous!

- Sir, I need context - Jennifer asked, still not understanding.

- I'll give you one - assured the general - the government spent unimaginable resources on the Pallas initiative project, and now everything is wasting away because of you.

Because of me! Jennifer thought irritably.

- Sir, I need context.

- I hope you bring Jack back - the general said finally - Since the psychologists have no idea what is happening.

- I don't understand, Sir. He ordered me to copulate with Jack, and that's exactly what I did, how can you blame me for doing what he told me.

- Sorry, soldier.

- I can speak honestly, sir - asked Jennifer.

- Allowed, soldier.

- You still haven't given me the context.

-You're right, here's your context - replied the general - Jack started to give lower returns, and some soldiers discovered that he did not respond most of the time they called him by his name. He started to introduce himself as Edmundo, so far so good, we have dealt with problematic soldiers before, it is common in our work. Even more so in initiative, but never one who forgets what he learned or becomes someone else.

Jennifer looked at the general in admiration.

-We took the case to our psychologist, Edmundo told him that Jack is his work partner, he even swears that he was with you on the last mission when you received your medal. I just don't blame you one hundred percent because apparently it started before you two had sex.

- As you know?

-We have cameras in your room-she confessed very naturally-we have cameras in every room. Privacy is for Tarellanos.

-Sir, you are saying that my intimacy has been witnessed by...

-No of course not! - he exclaimed offended - We are not depraved! I already told you it's not in Tarell.

-The cameras exist, and we only use them to obtain valuable information and we need to determine when your copulation with him began, but of course we don't watch the details - explained the general, somewhat embarrassed.

Tarellanos were the residents of a neighboring kingdom which the Pallanos despised for being dissolute and liberal.

Jennifer looked at him shocked by the revelation, she felt invaded. She wanted to say how disgusting and outrageous it was, but finally her training got the better of her and she swallowed hard.

- Continuing, the psychologist said that he has a problem with multiple personality disorders, I didn't understand very well, it's something that shouldn't happen in a military environment, we are not weak!!!! FUCK!!

- What do you want me to do, sir? - Jennifer asked, wanting to end that awkward conversation.

- Bring Jack back, he's the best soldier we have - ordered Gredenko.

- I'll see what I can do, sir.

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