Chapter 20 - When love speaks louder...

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-What happened Clarinha, why is she so nervous? Oh, I understand! - Taylor pointed to one of his subordinates and ordered angrily - Damn, Felipe get the body of these children's mothers out of here, how rude!

The men grabbed Jennifer's body and when lifting it they ended up exposing her open chest from where the heart had been ripped out, the girls began to scream in despair,

-Take it back and take the opportunity to dig a grave, make a nice coffin, I don't know, do your best - ordered the villain.

Two men came out carrying their mother's body. Taylor started cutting out the heart that was on the table

-I wonder if you are capable of forgiving me even after killing your mother? Is there nothing else that can stop this organization, just making me understand?

Taylor waited for them to calm down while she poked the heart with a fork and asked:

-Fernando, please, could you?

Fernando approached and without saying anything cut a piece of their mother's heart.

-You see life as a disabled person is not easy, people don't take our needs into consideration - Taylor thanked us and took the piece of heart to her mouth with her fork - How delicious it is very juicy, filled with love for you, it tastes like the hearts of lovers It's always more appetizing.

- It won't be today, nor now, but I'm going to kill you and I swear it will be slow and painful! - Eduarda said between her teeth.

- Before continuing, I wanted to know if you would like the onion? – Taylor interrupted – I think you don't like onions, right? What most young people don't like is that it makes them have bad breath, can I get it?... I'll take your silence as yes.

He took the onions, mixed them with another piece of the heart and ate them.

-Does Eduarda know the book or is it a comic? I don't know, the one I mentioned before, you know? He had a scene like this, the hero said, it's not today or tomorrow, but I'm going to kill you! -Taylor continued – The villain had just killed his friend, similar to now, but I killed his mother, of course.

Eduarda didn't say anything, Taylor couldn't help but admire the resemblance to her mother, the genetics were truly incredible.

- the villain made that guy swallow the words he said with brutality, and a lot of convenience in the script, and the hero, at least at that moment, changed, and so the villain who only wanted to save that ungrateful person by killing his friend, was satisfied, but as time went on of history this hero rebelled.

Taylor paused theatrically and looked at the horrified girls.

-Well, after causing a lot of problems to the villain, he finally...- he stopped- Well actually I don't know what happened because when I realized that the character I liked was considered the villain I stopped reading that rubbish.

-He must have been crushed by the young man like a cockroach!- Eduarda exclaimed furiously- The same thing I'm going to do to you!

Taylor ignored what the girl said and continued eating, then wiped her mouth on her napkin and said:

- But I learned something, I learned that when they threaten me like you, my dear Eduarda just did, I must nip the evil in the bud. That's why I'm going to finish my heart without rushing because the heart has a lot of muscle and must be digested calmly, so when I'm done, I'm going to kill you.

Maria Clara started to cry.

- No, no, dear! look you can learn from her death! - Taylor said penalized - for example you can learn that you shouldn't anger a psychopath who killed your mother and ate her heart with onions.

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