Chapter 10 - You're not my father!

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At dawn

A ray of sunlight came through the window, waking Maria Eduarda up. The first thing the girl noticed was the rag doll next to her. Overcome by intense fury, she threw the doll to the floor and began to stomp on it. Could it be that her mother would never understand?!

She didn't want to have anything to do with that wimp Edmundo. He definitely wasn't and never would be her father! Her father was a renowned military man, a legendary assassin revered by the Initiative, and not a wandering vagrant who traveled from city to city pretending to be a doctor.

She needed to have a serious talk with her mother, to make her understand once and for all that for her this was just another mission and that there was no room for them to play house.

Thinking like that, she went to the hall. When she realized that the inn was still closed, she went back and headed to her room.

She kicked the door open to make an impact.

- Mom, what the hell is this...

The girl stopped in shock at the scene she was witnessing, her parents' naked bodies mingling on the bed in the languor of post-coitus.

Jennifer woke up to the sound of the door opening and instinctively reached for the gun she was hiding under the mattress, but before she could reach it she heard her daughter's irritated voice say:

- Seriously, mom! Were you that in need?


The girl turned around and left the room, slamming the door. Jennifer looked at Edmundo, who was watching the scene in horror.

-Jennifer, I'm so sorry...

-Okay, Edmundo, I'll talk to her-interrupted Jennifer, starting to get out of bed-I know she'll understand.

Edmundo said nothing, but his eyes expressed disbelief.

Jennifer leaned over her lover and kissed him on the lips, then pulled away and said with conviction:

-Everything will be okay.


Jennifer left the room wrapped in her robe. She needed to find Eduarda before, as temperamental as she was, she did something stupid that couldn't be fixed.

Besides, she was irritated with her daughter. Who did she think she was to treat her like that? As if she were just anyone!

Jennifer had only had one man in her entire life! During the five years she had been separated from him, she had never been interested in anyone. She had never dated. Taylor was always mocking her puritanical behavior, saying that a beautiful woman like her should have more fun.

But Jennifer had no desire to get involved with anyone. She still had vivid memories of the disaster that had been her relationship with Jack and she didn't want to risk suffering like that again, ever again.

Eduarda seemed to despise Edmundo. She was always looking for reasons to get on his nerves.

Jennifer could understand her disappointment, after all, Edmundo was not even remotely like the image she had always had of her father. On the other hand, she did not understand, she could not understand her daughter's behavior because Eduarda was a soldier. She herself had made sure that her daughter received the best military training.

Eduarda had been trained to carry out a mission without hesitation, no matter how difficult or unpleasant it was, and she knew very well that her mission was to seduce Jack and get pregnant with his child again.

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