Chapter 09 - The mission.

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The other day, Jennifer was having dinner when Edmundo arrived, after talking to the innkeeper he came to her table smiling.

-Good evening, how is your leg?

- As you can see much better - said Jennifer pointing to the leg that rested on another chair.

-Can I?- asked Edmundo, pointing to the vacant chair.

-Yes, of course- Jennifer agreed.

He sat down and began to examine his leg.

-It really looks much better, how did you manage to get down the stairs?

-Luiza and Eduarda helped me - and when she saw his reproachful look she added - I was bored to death up there.

- You don't like sitting still, do you?

-Not really, doctor.

-I'm sorry I couldn't come, but early, I had some patients to attend to- Edmundo apologized.

-You don't need to apologize, doctor, we didn't have any commitments.

-Call me Edmundo- he insisted - And how come we had no commitment? Did you think I wouldn't come and see if your leg got better?

-Actually, I thought so.

-Well, when you get to know me better, you'll know that I never let my patients down.

-Well, since you're here why don't you have dinner with us - Jennifer invited.

-Are you sure I won't bother you?

-Of course not, Edmundo! I like your company - said Jennifer.

-I like yours too, maybe because it's so similar to that friend I told you about.

-The military of Pallas.


-I lived with my husband in Pallas for a while, we had a restaurant, I think I met your friend, Jennifer.

-What a small world!

- We weren't that similar.

Before Edmundo could respond, Eduarda arrived saying hello:

-Good evening, Edmundo.

-Good night, little one.

-I was telling Edmundo that I met his friend in Pallas.

-What was her name Jennifer? - asked Eduarda.

-That's right, Edmundo insists that we are similar, but I don't see that much resemblance.

-No, you were the same height, the same body type, the same skin and hair color - said Edmundo.

-But our eyes were different - Jennifer suggested.

-It's true - Edmundo agreed without blinking - Jennifer's eyes were green.

-Yes, they were, do you remember her, daughter?- asked Jennifer.

- The one who was always accompanied by a soldier named Jack?

-Eduarda - Jennifer exclaimed irritably without realizing that she had called her daughter by her second name.

-Is her name Eduarda? - asked Edmund in amazement.

-Yes, Maria Eduarda - confirmed the girl - but I prefer Maria.

- It's a beautiful name - said Edmundo - I've always liked Eduarda, do you mind if I call her that?

-No, why would I care? - replied the girl in a bad mood.

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