hide and seek....

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It was two days ago, since the little girl had killed her toy, she was bored,she wanted something new to play with,something new to break,the little girl was querently Walking down the streets to the candy shop she had seen a week ago after having killed that girl,the little girl sighed a dreamy sigh remembering one of her best toys "yeah she surely was entertaining,what a shame that she ended the game to early,right teddy?"the girl asked,she had changed into a new dress and had cleaned her teddy, Afterall nobody would come if they saw a little girl with blood covering her dress,right?,the girl stopped in front of the store and smiled That fake sweet smile,a smile that lured many others to her little trap,she stopped In front of the woman who led the shop and said with a cute and sweet voice"m-mam"the woman rose and eyebrow and looked down at the little girl smiling slightly"yes,sweetie?"the woman said,'ahh she's one of those'the little girl thought as she chuckled and asked "c-could you bring me to the g-gummy b-bear s-section?"she was so excited,she was getting slightly impatient,she wanted to play,she needed to play,to keep herself in check,to keep her mind in check,the woman nodded smiling and walked towards the gummy bear section and gave her a bag of the red and green ones,"t-thank you,m-miss..um?"the little girl asked noticing she didn't get the name of the lady "Anne"the lady responded "miss Anne,c-could y-your h-help m-me w-walk home?, i-i-i a-a-am s-scared t-to walk by myself"the little girl said faking some tears,the woman smiled and chuckled "of course dear come hold my hand"the little girl complied now holding her teddy from its arm,as anne was facing the road the girl had pointed out,she(anne) didn't notice the psychotic smile on the little girls face , quickly stopping when Anne turned around "now sweetie where now?" Anne asked the little girl,the little girl pointed at a dark alley that seemed to have a path in the middle,the little girl noticed how Anne gulped and started to sweat as she looked down at the little girl "a-are you sure?"Anne had asked the little girl who was starting to get frustrated as she furiously started to nod her head in a cute way,"o-okay"Anne stuttered as she walked towards the alley,now Anne was in the little girls trap,Now the little girl could finally play her game,but the girl was a little sad that the game would only last some minutes,the little girl stopped as anne looked at her confused but that was quickly replaced with fear as she looked at the girls psychopathic smile,the girl pulled out a knife, Anne let the little girls hand go and started to run,the little girl giggled as she heard the sound of a door being slammed shut,she walked toward the door the girl giggled again and started to sing jumping up and down while walking looking at every corner "Ding dong~
I know you can hear me~
Open up the door~
I only want to play a little~
Ding dong~
You can't keep me waiting~
It's already too late~
For you to try and run away~
I see you through the window~
Our eyes are locked together~
I can sense your horror~
Though I'd like to see it closer~
Ding dong~
Here I come to find you~
Hurry up and run~
Let's play a little game and have fun~
Ding dong~
Where is it you've gone to?~
Do you think you've won?~
Our game of hide and seek has just begun~
I hear your footsteps~
Thumping loudly through the hallways~
I can hear your sharp breaths~
You're not very good at hiding~
Just wait, you can't hide from me~
(I'm coming)~
Just wait, you can't hide from me~
(I'm coming)~
Just wait, you can't hide from me~
(I'm coming)~
Just wait, you can't hide from me~
Knock knock~
I am at your door now~
I am coming in~
No need for me to ask permission~
Knock knock~
I'm inside your room now~
Where is it you've hid?~
Our game of hide and seek's about to end~
I'm coming closer~
Looking underneath your bed but~
You're not there, I wonder~
Could you be inside the closet?~
Ding dong~
I have found you~
Ding dong~
You were hiding here~
Now you're it~
Ding dong~
Finally found you, dear~
Now you're it~
Ding dong~
Looks like I have won~
Now you're it~
Ding dong~
Pay the consequence~
Ding dong~
Looks like I have won~
Now you're it~
Ding dong~
Pay the consequence~"the girl finished as she saw Anne's fear filled face as the little girl raised her hand, but before she swung it down she heard Anne asking with fear and anxiety "w-who a-are y-you?"the girl giggled and swung her hand down,piercing annes skull from her eyes to the back of her head "I am y/n"the little girl said, Anne's hand fell numbly to the side as the little girl had a crazed smile on her face her eyes covered from her hair, blood flowed out from Anne's head,her violet eyes cold and lifeless,her skin now pale and white,her once Rosey lips blue,her black hair covered from the blood,the little girl walked towards the red rocking chair sitting down pulling her gummy bears out eating them while holding her teddy,giggling and laughing "that was so fun!,did you see her face teddy?,what a shame she was pretty,I wish I could've played a little longer with her,what a pretty toy"the little girl said,as she bit the head of a gummy bear off,"I wish there was a game that would last longer, time to go"the little girl said as she stood up excitedly,walking out of the house closing the door behind herself,as she continued to walk down the dark alley way, the little girl had no home she would keep roaming,the teddy in her hands being her only company.........


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