wall rose

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Y/n was walking through the familiar void only was there a big flower field that was glowing in different shades of colours , but the most color was red,Like that of blood ,she looked around and found starlight sitting on a bench looking at the field,she walked towards her saying "hello starlight"starlight turned to her, a smile on her face responding "hello y/n ah and teddy of course how are you?"y/n looked at her and said "I am fine,I have a question "starlight looked at her and nodded as if to say 'go on',"why are most of the followers red?"y/n asked her curiously as starlight looked at her sadly"you know red is the color of blood , and if most of the followers are red , then your end has come near,once everything is full of red you'll die.
But it's way too early for you why did it start?, it's time for your decision y/n choose wisely"she said y/n sprang up and looked at her shocked and saddened her eyes teary,but she smiled nonetheless knowing that she can't change anything,she saw a bright light and looked at starlight who was smiling slightly at her saying "you know not everyone has this red followers ITS a desiese that's passed to our versions, those are called death followers,they are in our blood,they choose our death but only if you don't decide for yourself"y/n looked at her with understanding saying "so I will die but I decide if it's heroic or villainous?hah that is so ironic"the light got brighter as Starlight disappeared

And was replaced by the white walls of the infirmary,she looked out the window to see it that it was night,she stood up and grabbed her teddy,she showered and changed into new clothes, as she walked into the mess hall she didn't see,Conie,Christa,Reiner,Ymir,
Berthold,Jean and others,in fact the whole mess hall was empty as she walked out she saw All the soldiers getting ready , she ran up to Eren as she asked him what was happening , "wall rose was being breached , Armin here says that the walls are made of titans "Eren answered as y/n looked at them wide eyed as she went on the carriage "hey hey hey what are you doing you can't come with us!"Eren said y/n looked at him coldly "do you think I give a fuck about what you want Yeager, and since when did I need any of your permission or approval and I am not here because of you I am here because of someone else."y/n said matching her look she grabbed her teddy tighter soon enough Levi and hanji came out ready to leave another person with them "isn't he one of the priest in the walls?!"Armin asked Ganji as she laughed and said yes, Levi looked at y/n and Roose and eye brow "why are you in this Waggon brat?,you can't come with us,TCH"he said as y/n only looked at him,her eyes empty and cold,a light of Madness visible,it want normal for a kid her age,"I am coming with you,if you like it or not"she said as she looked him in they eyes not securing away not Flinching away,no she matched the coldness he gave her,it was a match until hanji cut us off by clearing her throat,"well we should get going right?"she asked as I giggled and said "yes,yes we can "looking at the priest with hatred filled eyes,as the carriage started to move,hanji said that pastor Nich was the priest of the walls,which meant he knew what they were made of,"what that guy knew?!"Eren said as he looked at hanji with desbiliefe "yes but faith is keeping him From talking "Eren stood up slamming his  hands on the table while screaming "bullshit if that son of a bitch knows something he should say it, humanity is at the brink of death and all he cares about is his oath?!!"he flinched back as he held his head Mikasa looked at him worryingly saying he wasn't fully recovered yet,Levi pulled out a gun and threatened pastor Nick to which he flinched away but kept quiet,"threatening him won't work believe me On that"hanji said sighing , when the arrived at ehrmich district pastor stood there shocked he wanted to look away,he didn't want to see how all the people searched for safety,how they were evacuated "this is happening because you don tell us what you know,common tell us,or do you want to see how these people die,huh?!,do you wanna be at fault"y/n asked him as he fell on his knees "no!,no..no"Nick mumbled again and again and wanted to turn around but Levi pushed him further and said "who told you to stop ?,those are the faces of human beings who lost everything they've ever had,all the deaths because of one person"he said as they returned in Ganji immediately walked toward pastor and shouted at him and wanted to leave but he said "I only can provide you with a name her name is Christa Lenz " hanji ,y/n and the others were taken aback at that moment  Sasha came bursting in with a message that hanji took saying good job,not before having heated that Christa is the one who is always  by Ymir,y/n walked into the tower the others rested in, not having a moment to rest a female cadet came in and shouted "everybody wake up!!,and get into the tower"complying to what she said everybody hurried out horror covered their faces as y/n looked at the eyes of the monsters mumbling a little "those are titans?..man they're ugly"the cadets went into panic as they prepared they're gears hearing one soldier say "we couldn't see then in the dark but now in the moonlight we do , why is this happening in shouldn't they shouldn't be moving it's night!"y/n hugged her teddy tighter sitting down in a corner putting her face in her teddy,suddenly Connie pointed at a big titan , a very big titans and said "that must be a titan have you seen one that big?!"he  turned to look at Reiner and the others only to widen his eyes as he saw their horrified faces,"he's headed to the wall!"a soldier said when suddenly a titan came and rammed itself in the tower making the soldiers and y/n flinch , y/n never felt scared but she did now,she didn't want to die that way ,while that happened hanji , Eren , Armin ,Christa,Levi and other cadets stood in a room "that the plan are you ready?"hanji asked as they all responded with a yes ,Eren quickly went to the door and said "we need to go now"before he could go out he geared Levi say "calm down Eren"surprised by that Mikasa and Eren looked at Levi with suprise , before he could say anything y/n bursted in closing the door "fuck!!!!,those things are fucking ugly"she said while panting teddy in her arms looking at them "what?"Levi sighed before continuing "I need you all to listen we need to go separate ways that how it has to happen Erwin put is in different teams for a purpose , Armin listen up I need you to come up with some kind of solution"Levi said as he looked at armin who responded with a yes sir then he turned to Mikasa and said "mikasa I don't think I'll understand why you're so attached to the guy but put your skills to good use and protect Eren at all costs "like Armin did she answer "yes sir I intended to"then he turned to Eren and said "don't screw this up (🤣🤣🤣)"at last he turned to y/n who looked at him "and you can you use odm gear?"she looked at him and smiled a big insane smile taking them aback "yes!!time to let my psycho out!"she said coldly, finally she could play,not with humans but with titans, she can put pain on them and she can be seen while doing so if that is not freedom then what??!,they rode out letting the others fight......

(I won't continue the breach of wall rose in the next chapter.....I will just start with after the attack of wall rose , or could you help me please to continue writing about the attack of wall rose?)

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