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It was morning and y/n sat with everyone else in the mess hall
eating as she heated a conversation between Jean and Connie that included they're parents about how they missed them and such a memory popped into y/n's mind as she smile

"Common mommy common daddy let's play a game,why are you running away?"y/n asked her parents who were terrified of her daughter, "common you hit and hurt me everyday it's visible that your more powerful than me so why are you hiding from your daughter?from the mistake?"she asked giggling, her parents calmed down as they realised she was right so they stood up and walked towards her,punishing her, her father immediately fell to the ground as her mother was confused until she saw the drug that her daughter injected into her father's arm,she stepped back horrified she turned around to run away but scream when she felt a knife piece her leg , her mother looked at her daughter who held a brown teddy in her hand smiling crazily as she said "look teddy,they are pretty toys,right?"walking towards her mother, y/n cut her eyes put ripped her legs and arms off and then cut open her chest ripping out the insides,sh walked towards her father and tied him to a table, when he woke up he scream but was quickly cut off when y/n cut off his tongue "don't scream daddy that would only ruin the mood ,right? Let's have some fun?,there is a game I want to play a game called lets see if you can stop moving forever,"she said giggling crazily as she looked at a teddy "look teddy!!,I am going to have fun and avenge my self!!!,won't that be fun,how does your friend the priest say'lets purify you'man he was a good toy but he's sadly dead " y/n said and laughed when she saw her father's tears
"Awww don't cry you'll meet him soon in hell!!"she said as she cut off his arms,then his legs then she looked at his face as she rammed the knife into his head killing him she took out the knife she let it fall to the ground she grabbed her teddy and giggled leaving the house saying "that was an enjoyable game no?".......

She didn't regret what she did,but she did think about what the people here would think about her if they knew what she did, but she didn't regret it , she wanted to continue to play here game,she would never stop her game,her game of revenge,why would she?,they didn't stop when she begged them to, they didn't consider what she felt,her family,the priest the church they all had it coming from taking her family from her,she wasn't happy,no she didn't giggle because she was happy,she was giggling because she was planing her revenge,her way of showing them it's time for they're end,she cried but nobody cared,nobody hugged her,nobody showed mercy to an abused,raped and neglected little girl,except for her,Lia gold,a woman of pride and warmth,she was beautiful , she always was,she had long white hair with silver parts,her eyes pink and purple, her cheeks Rosey and her lips full and red,her heart was gold and warm,when Lia saw y/n on the streets injured and half naked she took her to her home, giving her clothes and candy not to forget her favorite drink cacao, y/n cried and laughed when she tasted the sweet and delicious liquid,she never had been treated so good but in the place she lived in it wasn't allowed to communicate with strangers who weren't part of family, especially her,Lia was deemed a witch because when she was little and close to a cross someone had put it on fire so Lia would take the blame and be framed, she was banned and her family turned they're backs on her, she was a woman filled with sadness and warmth, y/n never understood how she couldn't sense anger in the woman,Lia hugged her,told her stories,y/n spend 4 wonderful years with Lia before she was discovered,someone had seen them togetherm when y/n wanted to visit her next day the place was a mess,everything was scattered around, her book burner and blood was on the ground, suddenly she saw a cross, not any cross it was the cross of the priest, she ran towards the church only to see a big cross above fired wood and the figure bound to that cruel fate was lia, everything was like a blurr,as she heard the heart warming words of Lia as she went through all the memories and then the screams of pain and the cries of forgiveness, she wasn't begging her family or a lover , she was Begging y/n for leaving her, she was Begging y/n to not forget her, Lia cursed her with the warmth and sympathy she showered y/n with.

While y/n was thinking and remembering she didn't notice the tears that escaped her eyes,she remembered many things (I will write more memories from her past in the next chapters),and all of them hurt,she didn't notice how hard she grabbed teddy,or his hard she clenched her fist, to the point of drawing blood,she didn't notice anything until a worried hanji spoke up "y/n is everything alright?!,are you crying because of me?!,your hand it's bleeding!"
Y/n looked at her and smiled a fake smile,for once y/n didn't think about manipulating someone,or about playing a game,it was selfish of her to want comfort,of her to want a warm hug,she wanted a person who loved her and comforted her,she knew that if somebody found out the things she did,they would torture her or turn they're back on her,she smiled and spoke up "nothing, everything is fine,don't worry,excuse me,I'll be in the infirmary"after she said that she left and went to the infirmary, taking a bandage to wrap her hands but it fell, after every try she did it fell,she jumped up when she heard the typical TCH of Levi she turned around and smiled sweetly greeting him,"brat you can stop smiling you know,I won't kill you if you don't smile,TCH"he said coldly grabbing the bandage telling her to sit down,he took her hand,it was the same warmth and genltness Lia treated her with, it ached, it hurt to know that Lia still was with her,"i-i am s-sorry,i-i am sorry"she said crying her tears falling on the freshly bounded bandage,as Levi only looked at her,tching "why are you crying brat?"he asked y/n irritated "because your just like her,just like Lia,it hurts to remember her"y/n said while crying he looked at her and doubted her age "how old are you again?"Levi asked her as she looked at him confused "huh?,I am 11"she said sniffling
"Well I wasn't expecting that, you talk like an old geezer"he said with that stoic face , which made it more hilarious, y/n sniffled and giggled and started laughing, not noticing how Levi looked at her with a slight smile........."teddy he is funny right?yes he is!!,not every memory is pleasant but he made me laugh while I remembered one"she said happily to her teddy lying down and closing her eyes falling asleep


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