kidnapped and saved

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here it will start from where they were kidnapped not where and when it happened I am shitty at explaining but you will understand when you read).

Y/n opened her eyes,her vision blurry,her teddy close to her as she heard Eren talk" You're not warriors OR soldiers... You're just murderers. Psychotic mass-murderers who snuffed out the lives of countless people that never did you any wrong!"(Yeah sure bro wait for the future 🙄😒)Reiner looked at hem and yelled" Don't you think I'm aware of that fact? I don't need you shoving it down my goddam throat!"Eren looked at him angry then he opened his mouth and screamed "THEN STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'VE GOT ANY RIGHT TO FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF! WE'RE LIVING IN A HELL YOU TWO CREATED! Are you proud of yourself? You're not one of us! You've NEVER been! YOU'RE NOT EVEN HUMAN ANYMORE!" Reiner looked at him a little hurt and said" What do you want, an apology? Is that what you're after by calling us murderers? You want us to feel bad? Want us to take the blame? Who are you talking to? The people you thought you knew don't exist! THEY'RE DEAD! But hey, if screaming makes you feel better, SCREAM YOUR GODDAM HEAD OFF!"it was silent until Eren spoke again" You're right... Who am I? What do I know?"he paused before he talked again" Still, I've gotta do something... One way or another, the two of you will pay. And it's gonna hurt"y/n looked at them, she hated traitors, she absolutely despised them, traitors deserved to be dead, deserved to feel pain, she slowly stood up, they both succeeded, they succeeded in waking up the psycho who has slept for some days, she looked at them hatred and madness in her eyes they didn't notice her, but did when she started to giggle they looked at her , she stopped and looked at them pulling out a big knife from her teddy"you betrayed me?,betrayed us?,I thought we were family?,we did things together!,things not even my family did with me?,you bastards played dirty!,teddy knows how much I hate the ones who end and play dirty in my games, you've been good toys reiner,Berthold  it isn't your time yet but when it is I'll make sure you die painfully , I'll make sure I torture you until you bleed out!!I'll make sure you regret the day you lied to me!!I'll make sure that your screams will be craved into the fucking brains of your friends,I thought that the time we had together even though it was small meant something to you!!,how did I forget that a monster can't be happy?!,how could I forget that a mistake a psychopath like me cant be happy?you betrayed me huh?"she stepped back to the edge of the titans "friends?,family?please you're just a naive child,you don't know the pain, this world holds!"Reiner said "I don't know?"y/n asked herself and started to laugh , tears falling from her eyes as she said one last thing before she let herself fall "you don't know fuck about me,nobody does but remember this Reiner , Berthold I know who you are , that's a bad thing , I will kill you"she said as she let herself fall,"y/n!!"she heard Eren's shout as she saw the scouts on their horses running towards the titan,but the closest one was Levi leading?,what happened to Erwin,she closed her eyes as she expected to hit the ground only to land on a horse, she opened her eyes to see that she was on Levi's lap,who looked forward she didn't know why but she felt happy, so happy she started to cry,Levi looked at her and tched ,after that Eren jumped off kicking Reiner away from him, suddenly y/n felt dizzy ,she felt sick,her Boddy felt week, she had forgotten about her knife, that was dug into her leg ,because when she jumped, she didn't have a hard gripp on it making it slip................

I feel like this book is shitty.....

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