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Y/n woke up finding herself in the same bed as yesterday as she stretched and yawned, she stood up and walked towards the door, rubbing her eyes as she went to a bathroom and started to shower of course not forgetting her teddy,she scrubbed her skin and thought about the dream she had again
It was dark everything was dark except for the sky ,she turned around and saw her old self sitting on a bench looking up at the night sky, smiling slightly, sadness was what those eyes held as she walked towards her sitting down "why are you always sad , I am happy all day , I have so many toys and games to play with "she exclaimed as her older self looked at her sadly her smile broken "I am not the same you , I am from a different deminsion that leads to the same future,we are allowed to communicate through your dreams, I was like you , it is like you are a copy of me, but you know I ended doing the plan I wanted and I succeeded , the massacre between the survey corps and the military police , the manipulation of the healthy minds driving them crazy to the point of suicide, in the end when I achieved everything I felt empty I felt unhappy, I felt like even if I played all those games again and over again , i would end up feeling cold I lost the ones who made me feel happy with simple gestures , we both are twisted-no crazy, but I felt happy with them.make the right decision y/n or you'll end up like me,I died empty, I killed myself, nobody ever knew of the sins I commited , I thought I would be at peace, but I was damned to look at you doing the same mistakes I did,in the end it is your decision that influence both of us ,but in order to find happiness you need to let go of the sources of your past.....stop before you start killing the innocent"she said while smiling tears running down "innocent people?,there is no such everyone is guilty of something,why should I stop being a monster when nobody stopped me from turning Into one?!,nobody was there for me!,in the end I turned out to be like mother!miserable! so i started to play with humans like humans did with me is it wrong from me to want revenge?!"y/n said angry,the older version of y/n looked back up at the sky and said "I know you won't understand now but you will when you grow up, but face the truth always even when it is painful,goodbye y/n"she said as she stood up her body started to turn into butterflies the a light erupted.........

"What did she mean?,why did she tell me all that?,I succeeded?,she said she was from a different dimension that leads to the same future,right?,but she looked so unhappy?,do we feel the same ?will I end up like her?"y/n mumbled to her self as she closed the water,she dried and changed into fresh clothes , she walked out from the bathroom and explored the castle stoping at huge door behind them were loud noises she opened the door and every movement stopped and all eyes turned to meet her,she heard someone stand up and say with a cocky and mocking voice"what is a shrimp doing here?"a male with a horse-like face said "I could  ask you the same,what is a horse doing here?"she asked, raising an eyebrow, he was taken aback , but all the soldiers burst out laughing , then he looked angry and grabbed her teddy from her hand,she looked frozen. For a moment before rage and anger came over her as she said "listen here horse bitch I am saying this once, I will count to three and if you don't give me back  teddy the titans won't be the worst things you saw in your pathetic life"she said looking at him her eyes empty and cold "awww cute what are you gonna d-"he was cut off by y/n raising her fingers and saying "
One,two,three" she finished counting as he still held her teddy she went to a table grabbed a bowel of soup and smashed it into his face he fell to the floor holding his now burned face,"your fault bitch now give me back teddy!!!"she said angry as Jean stood up still holding his face giving y/n her teddy , she walked towards the kitchen took a piece of bread and ate it , acting as if nothing happened, "Y/N!!!!HERE Come HERE!!" A voice shouted y/n looked up and saw hanji waving at her, she walked towards hanji's table and sat down "you really like your teddy huh?"hanji asked, y/n stopped eating and rose her eyebrow "I mean you literally smashed a bowel full with burning soup onto jean's face for a teddy"hanji said , y/n glared at her as she said "teddy isn't just a teddy he's me family "the table grew quite at her statement and awkwardly ate they're soup , but there was one person who wasn't awkward and that was a male with raven hair and silver eyes,who held a cup of tea in a weird way....... interesting.........after eating breakfast, the cadets all stood on the training field waiting for they're captain.y/n sat on the grass watching them as they walked over to her "hey I am Eren Yeager!"a brunette with emerald eyes said "and I am Mikasa Ackerman "a girl with black hair and black eyes said "I am Connie springer , I am Sasha braus, I am historia, I am Ymir and Christa's mine ,I am Jean Kristian shrimp, Reiner braun and Berthold hoover"after they all introduced themselves , a strict voice rang out "oi brats get your asses here and train"they looked at the source and quickly ran in line I giggled at the sight and watched them train all day at one point I felt asleep,I woke up to a voice saying "brat wake up it's time for dinner "my vision cleared and I saw levi, I stood up and walked towards the mess hall opening the door as I sat down hanji placed food Infront of me as I silently thanked her and thought about something 'she wasn't in my dream this time, actually nothing was,is this the beginning of a new life or the next step to fulfilling my game?.....what will I choose how will everything end?
No one knows, I'll have to find out myself'.

This wasn't as good as I planned but I hope you still enjoy it .


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