the girl in a crystal

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Another day in the hq of the survey corps, and y/n was starting to get bored, she hasn't played with someone in so long,as she was walking she saw Armin arlert a shy genius walking out of the headquarters it was a day off for them so everyone could do what they wanted,she ran behind him and asked with a sweet smile "Armin,where are you going?"Armin turned around and smiled at y/n,"I am going to visit someone"he responded,she grew curious,
And asked "who?,can I come with you pleaseeee?"she asked with puppy eyes,Armin looked at her and sighed "but y/ are a kid and-"Armin was cut of by y/n who was pouting "pleasee,pretty pleased?I will be very well behaved!"she said as he said and allowed her to come with him,she held his hand as they started walking,as she was in thoughts' i did hear that the female titan turned out to be human, a cadet even!, they said that she turned into some kind of crystal!,what if he is visiting her?!,that would be so entertaining right?'suddenly they stopped and she bumped into his leg,"oh sorry,but we are here"he said as we stepped into a room with a girl in a crystal y/n's mouth went agape as she said "she's the female titans isn't she? , and in the expedition you last went to you were all concentrated on the female titans lossing many cammerades so you chased her in the second time,she wanted one person Eren Yeager an titans shifter,and in order to do that she had to put him in her mouth,isn't that right?but with Mikasa and Levi Ackerman being there she had no chance, knowing that she must have crystallized her self , so she wouldn't be questioned or tortured"Armin looked at her shock and surprise on his face as he asked her a question sitting down Infront of the crystal"how did you figure she was the female titan?"he was curious ,She could see that in his eyes,"it's simple armin, being a titan shifter means she has different abilities than normal titans ,in her case it must've been crystallization, but mostly her nape right?,the nape is every titans week spot, so she crystallized it but in some case it broke and she needed to think quick that leading to her crystallizing herself to avoid a painful future,like I said,and there is another interesting fact about this,Armin, Annie won't age physically but she will age mentally which means age,she can survive without food or water because she's a titan shifter , she's conscious she hears everything I am saying , right Annie Leonhart?,she betrayed All of you,and even killed many,interesting right?,she was motivated by something,something that scared her,something that made her feel anxiety,this is very entertaining I must say "y/n said after she sat down holding her teddy close to her chest"right teddy?,dont you think the same?,we are so smart"she said to teddy ignoring the look armin gave her 'just how was that game of yours Annie?was it fun?,or what did you think when you betrayed them?,was it a game or a mission for you?'y/n thought as she looked at Annie 'annie Leonhart what an interesting person,she isn't a suitable toy for me,she's lucky'y/n thought again looking at her teddy while she patted the toy's head.

"teddy,what do you think about this?,hmm?you want candy,yes I want some candy too!"she said as she stood up and looked at armin"Armin can we go buy some candy?"she asked him, he stood up and sighed, they left the room, the walk was silent as y/n pointed out the way to the same candy shop she was when she was up here,arriving at the door she opened it the same sound of the bell echoing through the shop, as the elderly woman looked towards the door and smiled happily upon seeing y/n,"oh my,you came again my sweet child, gummy bears section?"the elderly lady asked y/n as she nodded smiling following the lady to her favourite section, the lady gave her the same back with gummy bears,"can I have another bag please?"y/n asked the older lady "yes sure sweetie"the lady said giving her another bag she went reception and paid for the bags, giving Armin one as she walked towards the exit of the shop asking before she left "what is your name?,miss"the lady looked at her smiling "my name is Maria zackel"the woman said as y/n smiled and left the shop,"you two knew each other?"Armin asked her as they were on the way back to the hq "yes"was her simple reply.

'until now I only found many suitable toys, Christa is naive and to kind she will believe everything a helpless child has to say and Armin he's easy to manipulate but he's very smart I need to be careful, hanjis isn't that easy but if I could make a deal with her that she can't resist I will have her wrapped around my finger , Erwin seems to be difficult too he's very smart I could tell that by looking at his eyes one wrong move and he will have discovered me but I could use his dreams ageinst him, Connie and Jean they're both strong yet dumb which makes it easier to manipulate them,mikasa is cold but Eren is her weakness if I use his name in a clever way I could let her do what I want, and I need to get Eren to do what I want , so I can use his name in the right way,Sasha I could lure her with food she's easy , and Ymir?, she's easy too I could get Christa to trust me to the point I could manipulate her memories and actions.reiner and Berthold are strange I have the feeling that they are like Annie , why would three people stick together all the time and like I heated Reiner and berthold were with her even when they got into the 104th training corps,so it must be ,and now to Levi Ackerman I don't know how , I only know his name, I cant possibly manipulate him with tea or cleaning supplies that would be redicoulos, I need something from his past , something he's soft to , something that will make him lose hope,some people who he lost or something like that....'y/n thought as they arrived at the hq, walking inside it was already dinner time and everyone one was in the mess hall,she opened the door and walked in ignoring the stares and looks she got,eating her candy she walked towards the kitchen and took a piece of bread she sat down next to hanji who looked at her with a big creepy smile, but it didn't scare her,hanji looked to her and asked "y/n do you know the weakness of the titans?"y/n looked To her and rose an eye brow "yes of course,the nape which has two muscle Rectus capitis anterior and rectus capitis lateralis: Two muscles that control head movements from the base of your skull.theres another fact of mine but I don't want to sound insane so I will stay quite"y/n said standing up after she finished eating,walking to her bedroom y/n changed into sleeping clothes and laid down falling asleep.

"Y/n my sweet child"Lia's voice rang out as y/n walked towards the memory she saw herself in the lap of Lia "yes,lia-chan?"y/n asked with her once innocent voice as Lia looked at her sadly "we humans sometime break,we do crazy and cruel things because of our belief , I won't live long enough to be with you ,my sweet child,i will die in a cruel way, please listen closely , revenge is never the way of healing yourself y/n,it lets you do thing you will regret,in the end when you achieve your goals of anger and vageniece you will end up feeling empty and cold"Lia said as y/n said with an innocent voice "what do you mean?lia-chan we will be happy and always together,we will play and laugh"Lia laughed along with y/n as the memory faded and again came the memory of the day were Lia was burner aliv Infront of her eyes, Infront of that damned church......

Y/n woke up in cold sweat her breathing fast as her eyes quickly traveled around the room "Lia..."y/n mumbled with a sad look in her eyes as she stood up and walked out of the room towards the rooftop opening the door she saw a figure already there, she walked towards the figure and sat down next to the figure she looked to the side to see levi,"why are you up brat?"he asked her she looked and said "nightmare..."and hugged her knees with her teddy in her hand "Tch,why do you always have this teddy with you,brat?"he asked y/n as she grabbed it tighter "he's my family"i answered "you sound crazy brat"he said again with a stoic face "aren't we all?"y/n said as she looked at her teddy "why do you push everyone else away Levi?"she asked him as he looked at her "everyone who was ever close to me died"he said she looked at him and smiled slightly "you know that is no reason to push everyone else away, right?"she said as he looked at her not seeming to be surprised "you're a child what do you know,brat?"he asked"I know very much , Levi I might not look like but I do, can you keep a secret?"she asked Levi as she smiled "TCH,sure brat"he said as she suddenly held out her pinky finger "pinky promise!! " she said smiling as Levi 'tched' and rolled his eyes but complied anyway "you know when I was eight there was a woman Lia was her name she was the only one who loved and cared for me,one day I was sitting in her lap as she caressed my hair she said that she won't be with me for long I didn't understand but the next week I finally did but it was too late,in that night she was put Infront of a church on a big cross above fire wood,the priest called her a witch and burned her alive infront of my eyes the teddy she gave me in my hand ,she didn't cry or scream she looked at me and told me that she loved me and that I always should smile after the fire was put out there she laid as ashes, nobody cried nobody cared , I was left in the dust and in the rain, for them she was a witch but for me she was a better mother than my biological mother ever will be,so you see shutting someone out of your live is stupid because you could always be with someone to be happy, now she is in a better place."y/n finished as she looked at Levi smiling who's eyes widened slightly "sorry for your loss brat"he said y/n looked at him and smiled 'now is my chance to find a week spot'she thought as she stood up on the railing and said with an out stretched hand "now is your turn,ackerman!!"she said Levi looked at her and sighed "I had two friends Isabel and farlan,we were thugs one day Erwin came and forced us to join on a mission they were slaughtered from a titan"he said as she went down and without thinking what she was doing she hugged him,catching him off guard y/n had tears in her eyes but didn't let them out,"I am sorry that you lost them,it must've been hard,but don't worry you aren't alone I am here"she said 'so two friends of his and his comrades,easy than I thought's he thought as she let go off him and smiled jumping on the ground "goodnight Levi"she said running back to her room and going in bed falling asleep saying one finally thing "my toys, my games, this will be so fun".....................


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