games of revenge

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"y/n......y/n....y/n"a voice rang through the black void as y/n turned to every corner to find the source,it was getting frustrating, this game was getting frustrating,"come on!!,how long do you plan On playing hide and seek?,show yourself!!"y/n shouted her voice echoing through the void,her voice was like a needle that fell on the ground in a silent room,a hand touched her shoulder and said with the same voice again"y/n...."y/n quickly turned around and saw her older self smiling holding a lollipop in her hand,suddenly a bench appeared behind her as she sat down,y/n watching her like a hawk,
"Sit down y/n"was what her older self had said,y/n complied seeing no reason to refuse,as she sat down,she looked at her older self who was licking her lollipop happily, she looked like a child"I wonder....I wonder how long it will take for them to break,how long it will take for me to finally be able to play"y/n asked her self ,as her older self looked at her,her eyes holding many kinds of emotions,but one of them was fear,fear of the child Infront of her,she thought if y/n really was crazier than her,if she really did have fun playing with the minds of others her thoughts were broken when y/n asked her a question"what is your name?I don't want to keep calling you,you"
The older version of y/n looked at her and said "I don't know, I forgot what my name was,it's like I don't have a name"y/n looked at her weirdly and said "then you'll name will be starlight"her older self looked at her and smiled saying "starlight is it then", y/n looked at starlight and asked "how?,how did you forget your name?why are you in my dreams?" starlight looked at her and chuckled ,ready to answer the questions of the curious girl "how you ask?,when we die, we will have a purpose,you'll be set in the mind of someone,and the easiest way to communicate are your dreams, y/n, why I was set on your mind?,well in every dimension is a version of you, with the same personality and the same future, only the dreams and actions are different,but you y/n you are the last version of you, of me of everyone who was us,I need to be by your side till the very end,your end decides the future of my soul" starlight explained as y/n looked at her,hunger for more knowledge in her eyes, as she asked another question"what do you mean with future of your soul?,and are perhaps all the souls of our versions connected?how?" Starlight looked at her speaking up"that is a complicated theme,the future of my soul is decided after you die,there are two realms Junsuina is the first one and only for the pure souls, the second realm is Kegareta and is the realm for the stained souls,your soul and my souls and the souls of our other version's are connected its like a ball of strings that are bound to your soul to the souls of th other leading in the end to the oldest soul my soul, our soul are connected after we are born we are born on different months and on different days, I was born first, then came another version of you and more five after , you being the youngest are yet the purest soul from all of us, your will start to get stained at the age of 12.because of that the future of all of your version are in your hand"starlight explained again looking at y/n who looked to be in thought as starlight looked up again she saw a blinding light saying smiling "it's time to wake up y/n goodbye"y/n looked at her and Sayed "goodbye starlight"starlight stood up and walked towards a burning flame disappearing as the light engulfed y/n completely............

Waking up y/n blinked twice, as her vision finally cleared"the future of her soul,of the souls of my other version's?what will happen,what should I choose,what will happen if I continue my games?"y/n asked herself as she stood up and walked towards the connected bathroom she had discovered yesterday, opening the warm water she closed her eyes,thinking about that dream, a mysterious dream,she had put teddy on the counter of the sink, she would never forget him,after finishing she dried herself off and changed,walking out of the bedroom her teddy close to her,she walked down to the mess hall opening it to see nobody in there she walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread after that she walked out ignoring the sound the old doors of the mess hell did,were they still sleeping?,or were they training, as she looked out at one of te windows in the hallway she saw the sky,the sun was rising,it was a beautiful she hadn't enjoyed because she was busy Thinking about her plan,'how will I start the game what will I do?'she thought as she looked at the teddy smiling crazily "better question teddy,where do I start?"she asked her teddy, whose eyes were reflecting the rise of the sun,"beautiful isn't it?"she heard a voice ask her as she looked around to see Christa,smiling at her softly,y/n smiled back looking out the window again saying "yes beutiful endeed,very beautiful" y/n looked at the hallway again and started walking to the main door of the HQ,as she stepped out she walked towards the training ground sitting down on the same spot as yesterday,eating the piece of bread,while looking at teddy remembering a song someone used to sing for her "ready teddy?" She asked her teddy,
"I see you monsters~
I see your pain ~
Tell me your problems ~
I'll chase them away ~
I'll be your light house ~
I'll make it okay ~
When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave ~
And chase them away ~
In the dark we, we, we,~
stand apart we, we,~
never see that the things we need are staring right at us.~
You just want to hide, hide, hide~
never show your smile, smile.~
Stand alone when you need someone~
It's the hardest thing of all~
that you see are the bad, bad, bad memories~
take your time, you'll find it.~
I see your monsters~
I see your pain~
Tell me your problems~
I'll chase them away~
I'll be your lighthouse~
I'll make it okay~
When I see your monsters~
I'll stand there so brave~
and chase them all away~
I could see the sky, sky~
Sky, beautiful tonight ,night~
When you breathe why can't you see the clouds are in your head~
I would stay, there ,there, there~
There's no need to fear fear~
And when you need to talk it out with someone you can trust~
What you see are the bad bad bad~
Bad memories take your time and you'll find me~
I see your monsters I see your pain~
Tell me your problems I'll chase them away~
I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay~
When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave~
And chase them all away~
I'll chase them all away~
Cause I see your monsters I see your pain~
Tell me your problems I'll chase them away~
I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay~
When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave~
And chase them all away~
I see your monsters I see your pain~
Tell me your problems I'll chase them away~
I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay~
When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave~
And chase them all away~"after singing that song, y/n looked down at teddy and smiled"did you like it teddy?"she asked her teddy as she stood up and walked towards the mess hall as she looked at the trees and flowers and mostly the birds,she smiled remembering the beautiful yet terrible memory

"LIA!!!LIA!!"y/n screamed as she ran towards the big cross that was put above the fire wood,she smiled as she looked at me saying "y/n!,don't be sad,don't cry always smile my sweet child,one day we will be like birds flying freely without judgement,I love you like you are my own"the priest pushed me away and said "burn that witch she is trying to manipulate a child into her beliefs", lier was what y/n wanted to say but she could only look helplessly as they burned the only person who treated her like an actual human being, who loved her and sang to her,they are burning her because of they empathetic beliefs,service of god?,ridiculous he manipulated everyone in believing what he's doing is purify the evil in humans, but he was the only evil one,he wanted to kill everyone who couldn't be manipulated so there would be no way for him to loose......y/n stood there with the teddy Lia had given her, the only thing that kept her a little sane, this church and this people they all should be damned, they're all liers!.

Y/n smiled as she remembered her first toy,yes the priest was her first toy,her first game was him,she had manipulated him into burning all of his own people,she had manipulated him into believing that he needed to be decreased that he needed to be purified,like that she made him burn the whole church down with himself in it,she remembered how she stood Infront of the church smiling insanely with her teddy in hand she remembered the sentence she had said "how do you like being purified my precious toy?" She remembered every word every movement she did in that hell of a home,every toy she tortured,every game she had played had ended with her winning,with victory being hers not once has she regretted torturing those people, those toys, she knew what she did wasnt normal,wasn't human like or even child like, but she didn't care she played her games of revenge and nobody would stop her from getting revenge from humans..................

Words :1782.

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