the ground above......

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Y/n stood in the big city,slight amazement overcoming her heart, but it wasn't because of the sun or the flowers and the walls,it was because how many people were here,she wondered how many games she could play,after having finished the one she was planning,this time,her game would last longer,she would be harder to look through,she knew how hard it was to keep her excitement in,especially because her kind of excitement would t vanish,yes she was crazy and she knew that,but what can she change,that's right absolutely nothing,she was at the mercy of her insanity,but she can't say that she didn't enjoy it,she looked at every person, at every pastry and at every shop,her eyes stopped at a shop,something that could fill every child's heart with happiness, Candy's, the last ones she ate were those from her last toy Anne, she must say that those gummy bears were good,while walking towards the shop,she held teddy tighter to her chest while she thought about her plan'i somehow need to get into the survey corp's head quarters,so I can watch and observe the weaknesses if my toys,I need to know what I am playing with,so something horrible must happen to lure the survey corps here, like a fire,a big one , a fire that kills many people,but I need to set something on fire without looking suspicious'y/n thought as she stopped at the door of the Candy shop,pushing it open the sound of the door bell rang through the store.
The elderly woman who looked at the door ,smiled upon seeing a child there, y/n walked towards the elderly woman and looked at her with a cute smile,"miss can you show me to the gummy bears section?"y/n asked saying the exact same words she said to Anne,before killing her,it was fun to do that,it always was fun and enjoyable,the woman stopped at a big brown shelf giving her a bag filled with red and green gummy bears,it was almost terrifying how everything was exact the same,the color,the shelf even the smile was the same,y/n took the gummy bears and paid for them with the money she had stolen a minute ago from the passing old man,as y/n walked out the shop she heated a bell ring and walked towards the crowding people,as she stopped she saw soldiers wearing green capes,two wings decorating the back of the cape,her eyes traveled to Tha wagons,that were filled with injured soldiers,some were missing limbs some arms and some even missed they're lower half and eyes,for others or might be a horrible sight but for y/n it was a normal sight , her toys would look worse and sometimes the same,as if fate has decided what would happen,a man came running panicked screaming one word that set all of the Citizens in panic"FIRE!!!",screams echoed through the streets as all the citizen ran, Chaos corrupting,y/n smirked slightly and said"this is the perfect chance!"she started running too, but not away from the fire she ran to the fire, her teddy hugged to her chest as she saw the burning houses,she ran towards one and saw a kid who was screaming for help,the kids leg under a bolder,'would it be less suspicious if I saved a kid,maybe I will make I good picture of my self,and my game will get safer for me'"don't worry I will help you!!"y/n shouted loudly for the kid to hear,y/n walked towards the bolder and started to bring it up , she could only manage to bring up a little bit enough for the kid to escape,"thank you your so cool,thank you!!"the kid said and ran away,she 'accidentally'tripped and before she knew it a bolder crashed onto her upper body,'time to scream'she thought as she let out a pained scream,the boulder was hot from the flames as it slightly burned her back and her stomach,her head slowly fell on the ground as her vision got blurry not before she saw a big man with blonde hair and icey blue eyes looking at her with sympathy and pity,'bastard...everything goes according to plan....this game truly'y/n though before her vision went black her hand falling numbly to the side....................................

She opened her eyes as she found her self in a void, a void that was fully black,the only thing there was a chair with her teddy on top,she felt a hand touch her shoulder making her flinch and look back, her eyes widened as she saw an older version of her self,as she looked back at the chair she saw that teddy was burning,she started to shout and scream saying "no NO TEDDY!!"she looked angry at her older self who looked with regret and guilt at her"WHY DID YOU LET TEDDY BURN?,HE WAS OUR ONLY FAMILY!!!HE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO PLAYED WITH ME!!"she shouted, the older one looked at her as tears fell from her eyes saying "one day your regrets will burn you ,like teddy burned won't understand now.....but you will when you're older...goodbye y/n"her older self said as everything vanished and a light erupted.........

Opening her eyes,y/n blinked twice , her vision clearing as she thought about her dream,she quickly looked to the side seeing that teddy was next to her,clean and alright,she had protected him with her body,Afterall she couldn't loose her only friend , her only family,she sat up as she flinched slightly remembering that the bolder burner her back,she looked around seeing that she was in an white room,in her hand was a needle that was connected to a bottle of medicine,her stomach was bandages and on her hands were wound dressings,she took teddy and hugged him close,"where am I?"she asked herself out loud,as if being heard, a female with brown hair that was tied to a ponytail with glasses ran in , a huge blush and a smile on her face, she came to me and said "hello,cutie how are you?,I am hanji Zoe nice to meet you,I am sure your asking yourself where you are, you are in the headquarters of the survey corps,where you will be staying currently"y/n looked at her and smiled sweetly,saying "thank you miss Zoe, I am y/n l/n it's nice to meet you too, and thanks for your help I appreciate it"she looked at me and laughed again and said with a loud voice "such a cutieeeeeeeee pieeee"y/n blinked and laughed while thinking,'i am at the hq of the survey corps?,That means I am closer to my goal than I thought! 'being in thoughts y/n didn't noticed the two other males who came into the room,"/n...y/n?,Y/N?!"hanji shouted in y/n's ear making y/n hiss and glare at her(at hanji),"sorry but you wouldn't respond,those two are eye brows and shorty-i mean, commander Erwin smith and corporal aka humanities strongest Levi Ackerman"she said y/n smiled softly another thought coming to her mind'what if humanitys strongest and this commander became my toys, oh my god that would be so entertaining!!'y/n closed her eyes still smiling as she said "hello, nice to meet you I am y/n l/n.....I hope we can be friends"Erwin smiled as he said "yes and welcome to the headquarters of the survey corps,y/n l/n I hope you like your stay here"y/n giggled and said while clutching her teddy even tighter"I sure will.i sure will"
'yes I will love toying with you and your mind this will be fun!' y/n thought as she smiled.......

Words : 1375.

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