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Some things will be created by me.....ok ⁉️.

On a rooftop,Kenny on the other one shooting when Levi took of his cape shielding y/n and himself from the shot due to Kenny not knowing the exact destination of the two,Levi took out his gear sword and screamed the word "KENNY"while throwing it at him , only for it to be dodged,Levi grabbed y/n and jumped of the roof douging all of the attack he possibly could, seeing a bar he flew or kicked in the door landing on the wall of the prescription of the bar,hiding behind the counter when Kenny walked in his gun in his hand a smirk up his face "did I never tell you what happened to a cornered rat?and you even got a little brat with ya?"he heard Kenny speak as y/n held her teddy tighter "no matter which way you turn to run you will be blasted form above"Kenny said again
"We founded so erging that we do if it's simple"he said while picking up a chair "it's simple but the truth the life is only fulfilling when you find a hobby"he said while pointing the gun at the way were y/n and Levi were hiding "hobbies?so is blasting the heads of my team a other hobbies of yours?"Levi asked while looking at the glass moving it so he could see Kenny reflection "yup to achieve my grand goals I'll kill as much as have too"Kenny responded "your no different you kill when it benefits you too"he said "yeah"Levi said as he pulled out the gun and shot while U/n threw the knife she had pulled out of her teddy standing one of Kenny's soldiers,Kenny flew out of the building as one of his underlings pointed the gun at him another one telling him to wait saying it was their boss,Levi threw the gun at the old and thanked him ,an grabbed y/n and flew out of the building  as he flew out one of Kenny's peasants shot at Levi only to see that it was a chair , Levi suddenly flew out startling the man and killed him taking him as a child as the others shot at him, running as he killed the both instantly, y/n looked entertained and happy, Levi killed more as he looked behind and said "Armin and Jean protect the wagon Sasha will have your back( for the plot guys )"they looked at him and said yes sir,the woman on the wagon pointed a gun at Jean making Armin kill her,(wow didn't expect that from him really),Levi was with y/n having chased after Kenny who apperantly told one of his soldiers to stay behind to kill Levi.......

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