new playground.

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Y/n (the little girl),sat on the stairs in front of a bar,the windows were smashed,so y/n could hear everything, that was being said,
Y/n listened closely as she hugged her teddy close to her,as she froze from hearing an old man say"the survey corps came back to the walls,those bastards failed again,and having killed half of their soldier's because of a female titans having intelligence and using fight arts,then that titan brat had the audacity calling us the military police cowards,fuck the survey corps",the little girl didn't notice the crazed smile she had on her face,she had an idea,why did she never think about a bigger risk?,a bigger danger?,a bigger game?,with so many toys,she started giggling,the survey corps,the military police.they all were y/n's toys,she stood up holding her teddy in her hands hugging it to her chest,"did you hear that teddy,
I could create a massacre,the military police and survey corps , if I just increase the hate between those two branches I could create a massacre,a blood bath , I could manipulate all of them into a game of chess,my new game, my new toys, hahahahahahaha"y/n said laughing madly after, female titan?, intelligence?,"humans already slaughtering each other like pigs, in the form of titans?,those fools,that titan didn't have intelligence, that titans was a human!,it had to be,according too what that old fool said the titan had to be a human.this was really a more entertaining game than I thought it would be!,a big game,a big blood bath,the best part is so many toys!"she said coldly,"time to leave this little playground,time for a bigger one"she said again giggling,holding the teddy to her chest,while smelling it "teddy do you remember all of my toys,all of their screams?,pleads?,and blood?They were such beautiful games,such beautiful toys,but now that I want to go above ground, I need to hold myself back, I need to retreat from playing my games any further"she said holding her teddy out to look at its face "I know your upset but think about the bigger picture, of how much we really could enjoy a game for a very long time,teddy are you as excited as I am, don't worry I will never leave you for another toy after all your my favourite, but if I continue playing my games above ground I would seem suspicious,a kid comes from the underground and suddenly people get killed that really would sound suspicious "y/n said again smiling at the teddy in her hands,hopping up and down to the entrance of the underground y/n quickly jumped on one of the buildings near it, seeing the military police do they're patrols, 'wait I could set the officers from the bar against the officers from the patrol against each other and could get out of her the same time'she thought as she jumped down from the building landing on the ground without making a sound ,she walked towards the two patrolling officers and said with a small blush not because she was attracted (🤢🤮)no because she was excited about her plan,and a cute smile saying"officer"she said pulling on one of the officers sleeves making him look down,"what?"he asked with an annoyed voice"I saw three of the officers slacking off in a bar"she said pouting,"what?!,I swear if those three are miles , jack and ruby then I'll beat their asses, come with me john"the officer said to his accomplice who apperantly was john "but tom...should we not patrol around the entrance of the underground criminals might escape"john said 'i see someone has a brain..but he's easy to manipulate'she thought as she turned to john,"officer john,wouldn't it be better to watch the entrance with five officers instead of two?,that would be more affictive right?"she said titling her head a closed eyed smile present on her face "and how do you expect us to believe you, you little rat,what if you help thugs?"john asked , she grabbed her teddy tighter and looked at him sweetly "but sir how would I help thugs, I am a kid who only wanted to help, I figured your superior would be angered of hearing such news?, after all slacking off is forbidden when your on patrol , Especially if it's in a bar getting drunk,no?,and wouldn't your superior punish you too,if he knew a child came and told you , but yet you didn't go and check, simply because of your beliefs?I think he wouldn't be amused?now would he?, simply saying but don't say I didn't warn you , bye "she said walking away hiding behind a wall,"damn it she's right,boss wouldn't be happy at all , tomorrow we have a day off , and I don't want to spend it on running laps"john said as they started walking away, leaving the entrance accisable,"did you see that teddy?"she asked teddy , hugging him tighter,"did you see how easy they can be manipulated, or how their beliefs can be changed by some words?, It sure will be interesting doing that more, they didn't even ask how I knew the rules, Idiots,but john yeah he will be a good toy,he will be of good use later when I am above ground."she said to teddy, she walked out from her corner and started walking out of the entrance leaving her old playground behind.............a bigger game , and more toys awaited her above ground..........she would see a blood bath, a blood bath manipulated by her words and actions,it surely would be fun to play and leave marks and memories on her new play ground.wouldnt it?,"wouldn't it be exciting to see how everything ends?right teddy?"she asked her teddy as she saw the sun for the first time in her life..she wasn't amazed, she wanted to play.........until the very end....there's no going back......

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