Kenny the ripper

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After staying many days at the house the scouts had to leave and watch how people came in, searching for them, in the end but ing down the house,they were now on the carriage with 'Eren' and 'historia', but actually those two were Jean and Armin disguised as them, after the mission with Erwin to retake wall maria,and Jean taking of the disguise they had to leave because they were deemed criminals for ot handing Eren and historia over,y/n was sad that she couldn't play with them,she was really sad but what could she do, just day before her older self had explained to her that she is the last remaining one of her version,her actions chose if she goes to the land of purity or the land of the stained,after her death they're or better said her soul can really rest,she had memories who bore her pain,she was a child yet so pained, she held so much on her little shoulders, the responsibility and the fear of doing something wrong suffocated her,it made her lungs burn,the red flowers were spreading and she couldn't do anything about it it was her time she knew it and she felt it, she felt the bad feeling in her tummy,the worry and heat that suddenly rose to her body,her eyes were about to burst with tears but she couldn't cry,it would look so selfish.

She was the one who decided to leave, she was the one who decided to play with humans, but why did the world have to ruin everything for her?!,why did they have to take everything from her?,why did she have to die when she just found happiness and family?!!,it wasn't fair,why was this happening......was she born to do this,but what is the purpose...could she really free the souls of her versions?............her teddy looked like it held souls,but it weren't any souls it were the souls of her versions , all of they're souls were put into that teddy,that's why she sometimes would hear screams coming from them , or whisperes that would explain why she was so obsessed with her teddy,she felt connected.....after he was her family , her souls were her family, they were always with her watching her torture everyone.....watching her and comforting her with silence.......

The disguise didn't work and now they were being chased by some people,Levi and y/n were the only team sitting on a rooftop when suddenly the woman next to Levi was shot in the head turning to see him , the serial killer , Kenny the ripper....Levi had said that he had grown up with him....that this guy was his mentor....>..

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