red flowers

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Waking up y/n found herself in the infirmary,the room was silent, suffocating,the white walls held no Color,like her eyes,she felt hurt,betrayed even,yes she had wanted to play with them,use her as her toys but why did they betray her,yes she knew she was being selfish , she knew what she was doing wasnt normal,but she would never stop,she wouldn't stop until her anger had calmed down,until her blood lust was satisfied,and until her hatred disappeared,she wanted to see Lia again she new that her death was close very close,while she was unconscious she had talked with starlight again,the flower field was reader only one flower needed to be coloured red, it was a curse yet a gift,not every human knew the time of theyre death,as she was still in her thoughts Levi walked in with a tray of food,she looked at him and smiled sadly her happy that she gets to spend her last days with someone,she knew she had to make a decision the final decision, he sat down next to her bed and gave her the food,"thank you,ni-san "she said smiling Levi looked at her his eyes widened , and mouth agape "sorry, but that suits you I feel comfortable around you,and I always wanted a brother , so I am just gonna call you ni-san,oh by the way how long was i unconscious?"she asked him as he recovered from his shock and said "one week"was his simple response,that why the flowers changed it was one week that went to waste, "what happened while I was unconscious?"she asked him "well wall rose has been retaken,the cadets went to a winter survival test, Yeager has a new ability called cordinate,and mike and Hannes they are...they are dead"he said as her eyes widened , she knew Hannes he was the man who was part of the garrison he was there when wall rose was attacked,and now he's dead, suddenly she found herself interested in what he would say if she died, "hey Levi...what would you die if I was dead?,what if you find out that I would die tomorrow or the day after or after?......what would you do?......death isn't a big loss for know there is a saying that says life asked death why do people hate you but love me?,death responded because your the beautiful lie and I am the ugly truth,you know I never understood until now
I hope that someone will miss me, and spill tears for me when I die I know it's selfish , but what can I possibly do?"Levi looked at her his face stoic and not changing "what with all of these questions all of a sudden?,why are you talking about death?"he said "just curious, you know"she said smiling at him turning to look out the window "I am here to inform you that we have to get going quickly some people tracked us and now the military police is after us "he said standing as she did the same going behind him holding her teddy,tight to her Boddy,as the walked out they went to horses and started to ride away from the hq of the survey corps,having Roden for days they arrived at a small yet big enough house to live in,Levi was disgusted with all the dirt and dust that was there so he ordered us to clean,we started to clean as Jean walked in and they started to discuss after some minutes of that Levi walked in and asked what the commossion was about, he walked towards a table and wiped his hand under it looking at the dirt in his hands with disgust he looked at them and said while y/n held her teddy having and internal conversation with teddy in her mind"I am sure I gave you enought time to clean"Eren shook his head (like when my mother does when I say a dark joke when guests are over, I swear they leave traumatized)Levi looked at them and sighed saying that he will discuss they're shitty cleaning later.......y/n looked down the red flowers still on her will she die?.........she wasn't scared she was curious....and to be honest all little bit of excited.......

So I will skip someparts okay I will go immediately to the part with the waggon and the chasing.......sorry 🥲.


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