Chapter 11: The New Doctrines

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-Genji's P.O.V-

The buy-bust operation went successful after capturing Marcus Lancereich into custody, the death of the client, who was actually an otherworlder just like me, and the victims of kidnapping and slave trade. We discovered that their operation is continental and has multiple connections, making it hard to trace the origin of this heinous crime. But according to Commander Azeroth and Lord Lucas, there was war on the West Asian continent, where the north and south fell into war between two factions four years after they fought against the Easterian Holy Trinity Empire. The Northern West's Continental Alliance and the Allegiance of the Southern West It was known as "The 3 Years of Carnage.".

Marcus was actually one of the financial backers of the ASW Army four years ago and continues its operation in Northern West Asia. Right under the nose of the Midgarai Empire. His real name is Luhance Marcus Marcello d. Lancer. Because of this, his entire business within the Midgarai Empire was halted by the decree from the central power, and its trading license was revoked.

We saved more than 510 slaves in total from the compound of the Lancereich Enterprise, but the deaths recovered and the bases of the victims from slave trading were counted up to 436 in total. It's a heavy casualty and became shocking news not only to Ontoria but also to the entire Northern West's Continental Alliance. This caused massive uproar within the northern region, but that'll be the talk for some time because we have important things to take care of.

Aside from slave trading, we also found out that they sell narcotic herbs known as "cannolily,"  used as a calming herb that has a similar appearance to common lily but also causes intoxication through hallucinations and the exhilaration of serotonin and dopamine. In street terms, making them 'high' makes them addicted.

The appearance of the cannolily is likely a spider lily in blue with its leaves, which have a striking five-finger leaf that is used for both medications and joints, which is cannabis or marijuana. It's like the love child of spider lily and cannabis. The petals are much more potent than the leaf itself. The petal extract contains much more compounds than opium. Opium poppy also exists in this world, which is common to the east of the Hanarian northern continent. Above the East European continent are about 3167 nautical miles. The cannolily and opium poppy continue to compete with their popularity in the realm of narcotics being watched by agencies in this world.

To me, that's one helluva revelation. I might meet reincarnated Escobar or shits, and they need to go back 6 feet under once again. Also, as I requested from XO Kirov and Hannibal after they granted it, I put the guns into the wooden box based on their form and characteristics.

Despite the fact that it's my "spoil of war,"  I can use their decree of custom within the ownership. It'll transfer the credit to me, then repurpose them so we can increase the firepower of our unit, which can only accommodate 67 of them. Most of them are bolt-action rifles: 5 STG44s, 1 MG42, 12 MP40s, and 33 lugers, mausers, and walthers alike. There were also six stielhangrenates, which were extremely well taken care of by guardsmen based on my instructions and gently put down into the box filled with hay.

I mean, who wants to be treated like a potato mashed by the potato masher grenade itself, right? Giving a very bad fucking day for both the Entiente force from WW1 and the Allied and Soviet forces alike in WW2. And holy sh*t, they made their debut in this other world.

Good lord, my Wolfpack were not the victims of those nasty grenades, but guess what? We'll use them as another weapon.

As you're asking me where the hell am I right now, I'm right off the cliff on the west coast of Ontoria, standing in front of the cross made out of wooden planks. 3 days after the incident, 2 days after the burial of Peter Schmidt von Eingehender. I'm with a young kid who has wolftails and ears who became my adopted family. He doesn't have a name, so I gave him "Hunter." "Hunter Van Herrera"—that'll be his name, but without the last name, as they said that only nobles have the right to earn a last name. I guess I'm exempt from this custom.

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