Third Person Pov

Sunghoon woke up on his birthday with a heavy heart. It was supposed to be a day of celebration, but for him, it was a reminder of how his life was often dictated by others. His parents always threw grand, extravagant parties that lacked any personal touch. He rarely got to spend time with his family on his birthday, as they were usually too busy entertaining their high-profile guests.

As he sat at the breakfast table, his mother and father discussed the final arrangements for the party. The guest list was extensive, filled with names Sunghoon barely recognized. He mustered the courage to ask them for a favor.

"Mom, Dad, I was wondering if I could invite a friend of mine to the party tonight," Sunghoon said, trying to sound casual.

His parents exchanged glances before his mother spoke. "Who is this friend, Sunghoon?"

"His name is Jake. He's the guy im skating with at the competition"

His father's expression tightened. "Him? We don't know him well son, are you sure he is a good guy, what about your image?"

Sunghoon felt a pang of frustration but kept his voice steady. "Yes, he's a good guy. He's really important to me, plus he's one of the best skaters around here now, so no one will question it".

His mother sighed. "Well, we can consider it, but only if Karina is your date. It will be good for your image."

Sunghoon clenched his fists under the table. Karina was a fellow skater and a close friend, but the public always shipped them together, which he found exhausting. But if it meant having Jake there, he would agree. "Fine, I'll ask Karina."

Later that day, Sunghoon found a quiet moment to text Jake.

Sunghoon: Hey Jake, do you have a minute to talk?

Jake: Sure, what's up?

Sunghoon: So, um, it's my birthday today.

Jake: What?! Why didn't you tell us? Happy birthday, Hoon!

Sunghoon: Thanks. I didn't really want to make a big deal out of it. My parents are throwing this huge party tonight, and I really want you to be there.

Jake: Wow, I didn't get you a gift or anything. And I'm not sure if a fancy party is my scene.

Sunghoon: Don't worry about it. Just consider coming as my birthday present. It would mean a lot to me.

Jake hesitated, feeling a mix of surprise and anxiety. He wasn't used to such high-society events, but the thought of Sunghoon wanting him there tugged at his heart.

Jake: Okay, I'll be there. Anything for you, Hoon.

Sunghoon: Thank you, Jake. It means a lot.

As the evening approached, Sunghoon got ready for the party, putting on the suit his parents had picked out for him. Karina arrived early, dressed elegantly and ready to play her part as his date. They exchanged a knowing look, both aware of the facade they had to maintain.

At the party, Sunghoon's parents greeted guests while Sunghoon and Karina navigated through the crowd. Sunghoon kept glancing at the entrance, waiting for Jake to arrive. When he finally spotted Jake, dressed in a simple yet stylish outfit, Sunghoon's heart skipped a beat.

Jake walked in, feeling out of place but determined to be there for Sunghoon. He scanned the room and quickly found Sunghoon and Karina. Sunghoon's face lit up when he saw Jake, and he excused himself from a conversation to go greet him.

"Jake, you made it!" Sunghoon said, his voice filled with relief.

"Yeah, I did. Happy birthday, Sunghoon," Jake replied with a warm smile.

Karina joined them, sensing the tension. "Hi, you must be Jake. I'm Karina," she said, extending her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Karina," Jake replied, shaking her hand.

The three of them chatted for a while, with Karina occasionally stepping away to talk to other guests, giving Sunghoon and Jake some time alone.

"Thanks for coming, Jake. I know this isn't your scene, but it means a lot to me," Sunghoon said sincerely.

"Of course, Hoon. I'm glad to be here," Jake replied, feeling a strange warmth spread through him.

As the night went on, Sunghoon and Jake found themselves on the balcony, away from the crowd. The city lights twinkled below them, and the noise of the party faded into the background.

"This is nice," Jake said, leaning on the railing.

"Yeah, it is," Sunghoon agreed, feeling more at ease than he had all day.

They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, the air between them charged with unspoken words. Sunghoon turned to Jake, his eyes softening. "Jake, I..."

Before he could finish, the door to the balcony opened, and Jay stepped out. "Hey, lovebirds, what are you doing out here?" he teased.

Sunghoon and Jake jumped apart, their faces flushing. "Nothing, just getting some air," Sunghoon mumbled.

Jay smirked, giving them a knowing look. "Sure, sure. Come on, let's go back inside. Everyone's wondering where the birthday boy is."

As they rejoined the party, Sunghoon couldn't help but feel grateful. For the first time, his birthday felt a little more personal, and it was all thanks to Jake.

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now