Third Person Pov

Jake arrived at the rink, nerves fluttering in his stomach. Today was his first practice with Sunghoon for the pair skating competition, and he wasn't sure what to expect. Sunghoon was already there, warming up under the watchful eye of Chan.

"Let's start with some basics," Chan instructed as Jake joined them on the ice. "You both have strong individual skills, but you need to build trust."

Jake nodded, glancing at Sunghoon, who gave a slight nod in return. They began with simple movements, skating side by side. Chan observed closely, his critical gaze picking up on every detail. As they skated together, there was a noticeable stiffness in their movements, the lack of familiarity evident.

Moving into lifts, Jake felt a twinge of hesitation. Sunghoon's hands on his waist were firm, but the idea of being lifted made him tense. He couldn't shake the fear of falling. Chan noticed the unease and called them over.

"Jake, you need to relax," Chan advised, his tone gentle but firm. "Trust Sunghoon to catch you. He's capable."

Jake nodded, taking a deep breath, but the fear lingered. Sunghoon seemed to notice, his expression softening slightly as he watched Jake struggle.

After Chan stepped away to give them some space, Sunghoon turned to Jake. "Hey," he said, voice low and reassuring, "I know this is new, but I won't drop you. I promise."

Jake looked into Sunghoon's eyes, seeing a sincerity that eased his nerves. "Really?"

"Yeah," Sunghoon replied with a small smile. "You can trust me."

With newfound resolve, Jake nodded. They resumed practicing, Sunghoon's grip steady and sure as he lifted Jake into the air. This time, Jake felt a flicker of confidence, and the lift felt smoother, more controlled.

"See? You've got this," Sunghoon encouraged as they landed gracefully. "Just focus on the movements, and I'll handle the rest."

"Thanks," Jake replied, a warmth spreading through him. Maybe this partnership was exactly what they both needed—not just for the competition, but to build something more meaningful.

As they continued practicing, the ice between them began to melt. They shared laughs over small mistakes, encouraging each other after successful attempts. Slowly but surely, Jake's hesitation faded, replaced by trust in his partner.

During a break, they sat on the edge of the rink, catching their breath. Sunghoon turned to Jake, his expression more relaxed than Jake had ever seen. "You're really good, you know that?"

Jake blushed slightly, surprised by the compliment. "Thanks. You too. I've always admired your technique."

Sunghoon shrugged, a hint of a smile on his lips. "It's just practice. But pair skating is different. It's about trust."

Jake nodded, understanding the weight of those words. "Yeah. I think we can get there."

As they returned to the ice, Jake felt a renewed sense of determination. With each practice, the barriers between them seemed to dissolve, leaving behind a sense of mutual respect and understanding.

By the end of the session, they were moving more fluidly, the initial awkwardness replaced by a growing synergy. Chan watched from a distance, satisfied with their progress.

"Good work today, both of you," he called out. "Keep building that trust."

As Jake left the rink, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Pair skating with Sunghoon was turning out to be a challenge, but it was also an opportunity—a chance to connect and grow, both on and off the ice.

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now