Third Person Pov

Sunghoon sat across from his parents in their excessively luxurious living room  the air heavy with tension. His parents had just heard about the incident with his fans bombarding his and jake's practice and let's just say they weren't too thrilled.

"Sunghoon, this partnership is risky," his father began, his tone stern. "You know how important your image is. Fans are questioning your decision."

His mother chimed in, her voice laced with concern. "We've always supported you, but we warned you about this honey, and now look, your fans are invading your practices, its getting out of hand!".

Sunghoon clenched his fists, struggling to maintain his composure. "Jake is talented. We've been practicing hard, and we have a real shot at winning, who cares about what everyone thinks."

"Talent isn't everything," his father replied sharply. "Your reputation is on the line. You've always been seen with Karina; the public likes that image."

"But this isn't about them!" Sunghoon snapped, frustration boiling over. "It's about what I want for my career."

His mother sighed, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "You need to think long-term. Endorsements, future competitions—your choices now will impact everything."

Sunghoon felt the weight of their expectations pressing down on him. "I understand, but I believe in this partnership. Jake and I can make it work."

His father shook his head. "You're being stubborn. This isn't just about skating; it's about your future in the sport. If you want to succeed, you need to make smart choices."

Sunghoon's heart sank, the conflict between his aspirations and their demands tearing at him. He wanted to prove himself, to show that he and Jake could be a strong team, but the pressure from his parents was suffocating.

"We're only trying to help you," his mother said softly. "Think about it, Sunghoon. This could affect everything."

He nodded, the fight leaving him as he stood up to leave. "I'll think about it," he muttered, his voice tight with emotion.

As he left the room, Sunghoon felt the familiar mix of anger and helplessness swirling within him. Their words echoed in his mind, sowing doubt about his decision to partner with Jake.

Stepping outside, he took a deep breath, trying to clear his thoughts. He had always been driven, determined to forge his own path, but the constant scrutiny and parental pressure were wearing him down.

At the rink, he knew he would have to face Jake, to push through the tension and work on their routine. But as he skated onto the ice, Sunghoon couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the verge of losing everything he had worked for—his dreams, his reputation, and the fragile partnership with Jake that had started to mean more than he cared to admit.

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now