A/N: The music that should be playing as you read this chapter should be: Fatal Trouble by Enhypen, especially as they are skating.

Third Person Pov

The sun blazed into sunghoon's eyes, he squinted and sat up on his bed, his jet black hair ruffled and his clothes wrinkled.

He woke up early today for the competition, his stomach in knots. He glanced at his phone to see a good luck text from Jay and the rest of the group. Smiling slightly, he made his way downstairs, hoping to see his parents also getting ready to watch his competition. To his disappointment, he found a note on the kitchen table instead.

"Sunghoon, we had a last minute business meeting across town and won't be able to make it to your performance. We're sure you'll do great. Love, Mom and Dad."

Sunghoon sighed, they were the ones pressuring him to do the performance perfectly, and now they can't even be there for it, he sighed before focusing on the competition instead.

Arriving at the rink, Sunghoon spotted Jake, who seemed just as nervous but a sense of determination on his face. They smiled at eachother as Jake walked over.

"Hey, Hoon, are your parents coming today?" Jake asked, trying to sound casual.

Sunghoon's smile wavered slightly. "No, they have a business meeting across town."

Jake looked shocked. "Really? But this is so important..."

"It's okay," Sunghoon interrupted, trying to brush it off. "I've gotten used to it. Let's just focus on our performance."

Jake's expression softened. "Alright. But remember, you have me and the rest of the team. We're here for you."

Sunghoon nodded, grateful for Jake's support. "Thanks, Jake. Is your family coming?"

Jake's face lit up with a smile. "Yeah my parents are, my sister can't though, she's on a trip with her boyfriend. 

Sunghoon nodded before asking again "What about the boys?"

"Jay and Jungwon are coming together, and so are Ni-ki and Sunoo, Heeseung is out of town  visiting a friend or something, i'm not too sure, so he can't make it" Jake replied.

"Oh thats too bad he can't make it, he probably has a good reason" Sunghoon said understanding. Jake agreed with him as they both started putting their skates.

The two shared a brief moment of eye contact before stepping onto the ice for their last practice. Their practice went by quickly with a series of jumps and spins, every move been well thought out and executed.

When the music stopped, both Sunghoon and Jake struck their ending poses and looked at Chan for his feedback, the two of them breathing heavily as they waited.

"That was perfect," Chan said, clapping his hands. "Just do exactly that out there, and you'll be amazing."

They thanked Chan and went straight to the dressing rooms to get changed into their performance outfits. The room was filled with the sounds of skaters chatting, some of them going over their difficult stunts.

Jake came out of an individual stall after quickly throwing on his skating clothes, he sported a simple white blouse with navy blue details and a plain pair of black trousers. He looked at Sunghoon who was adjusting his clothes infront of one of the mirrors, as they locked eyes through it. Sunghoon turned around with a smile, he wore a similar outfit to Jake, except his having gold accents instead of blue. He took Jake's shaking hands into his own, and spoke in a gentle tone. "Are you ready". "Yeah, i think". Jake said nervously, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach due to their physical contact and close proximity.

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now