Third Person Pov

Jake squinted at the bright morning sun as he stepped onto the bustling campus of Seoul National University, his breath visible in the chilly air. The transition from Brisbane to Seoul had been daunting, but this was a new chapter—one he intended to embrace fully.

Navigating through the crowd of students, Jake felt a mix of excitement and uncertainty. His parents' relocation for his father's job had brought him here, far from the familiar comforts of home. As he adjusted his backpack, he reminded himself that this was an opportunity for growth, both academically and personally.

Spotting a bulletin board adorned with colorful posters, Jake approached to examine the announcements. Amidst the various club invitations and event notices, a flyer for the university's ice skating club caught his eye. His heart leaped with renewed enthusiasm—he had been skating since childhood and found solace on the ice. Joining the club seemed like a perfect way to connect with others who shared his passion.

Just as he reached for the flyer, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "Hey, are you new here?"

Jake turned to see a friendly face—a young man with a warm smile and a curious gaze. "Yeah, just started today. I'm Jake."

"I'm Jungwon," the young man introduced himself, extending a hand. "Nice to meet you, Jake. Are you interested in joining the ice skating club?"

"Yeah, actually," Jake replied, relieved to find someone welcoming. "I've been skating for years, and it'd be great to keep it up here."

Jungwon's smile widened. "That's awesome! You'll love our club. We're a pretty tight-knit group, and we have some talented skaters."

Before Jake could respond, another voice chimed in. "Did someone say talented skaters?"

Jake turned to see two more students approaching—an energetic young man with a mischievous grin and another with a friendly demeanor. Jungwon introduced them quickly. "Jake, meet Niki and Heeseung. They're also part of the ice skating club."

Ni-ki winked playfully. "Welcome to the team, Jake. We could always use more talent around here."

Heeseung nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's great to have someone new join. What brings you to Seoul?"

Jake relaxed as he sensed genuine interest in their voices. "My dad's job brought our family here from Brisbane. It's been a big change, but I'm looking forward to exploring Seoul and meeting new people."

"You'll love it here," Jungwon assured him. "Seoul has so much to offer, and our university is one of the best. Plus, the ice skating club is like a second family."

"So where exactly would the skating take place" Jake asked in curiosity.

"Seoul skating hall of course" Heeseung replied

"And is that like a popular one or" Jake questioned

"Its only the best skating area in Korea!" jungwon answered

As they chatted, Jake felt a sense of belonging beginning to settle in—a feeling he hadn't expected so soon after arriving. He realized that amidst the newness and challenges, there were opportunities for friendship and shared experiences. And as he looked at Jungwon, Heeseung, and Niki, he felt grateful for their warmth and enthusiasm.

With newfound confidence, Jake decided to take the flyer from the bulletin board. Joining the ice skating club felt like a step in the right direction—a chance to pursue his passion and forge connections in his new home.

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now