Third Person Pov

The rink was buzzing with energy as Jake and Winter laced up their skates, ready for another intense practice session. Across the ice, Sunghoon and Karina were already warming up, their movements precise and synchronized as always. It was the second time in a row the four of them had been scheduled for practice at the same time, and it felt deliberate.

Jake glanced over at Sunghoon, the tension from the last practice still hanging in the air. Neither of them had spoken much since the party, where their awkward conversation had only left things more unresolved between them. Now, on the ice, the competition between the pairs seemed even more palpable.

Chan skated up, clapping his hands to get their attention. "Alright, I'm sure you're all wondering why you're training at the same time again," he said, giving them a knowing look. "No, I didn't mess up the schedules again. This time, I did it on purpose because I've got some news for you."

All four skaters looked up, curiosity piqued. Jake caught Winter's eye, and she shrugged, clearly as interested as he was in what Chan had to say. Sunghoon's expression remained guarded, but there was a flicker of intrigue behind his eyes.

"There's a competition coming up in two weeks," Chan announced, his voice carrying across the rink. "I know it's short notice, but I've entered both of your teams in the same division. It's going to be intense, and I think it'll be a great test of your skills."

Jake's eyes widened slightly, and Winter's expression shifted into one of determination. Sunghoon's jaw clenched, his grip tightening on the back of his neck, while Karina maintained her cool, unreadable expression. The idea of competing directly against each other added a new layer of pressure that none of them had anticipated.

Chan continued, his voice steady and encouraging. "Jake and Winter, your routine is set to 'Silent Cry' by Stray Kids. It's a high-energy, powerful number. What i need from you is to focus on precision. Every move has to be sharp, every jump perfect. That's where you'll stand out."

Winter nodded confidently, while Jake straightened his posture, already thinking about the next practice and how to make their routine flawless. They had the power and speed, but Chan was right—there was no room for error.

Chan then turned to Sunghoon and Karina, his tone shifting slightly. "You two will be skating to 'Taste,' also by Stray Kids. It's another high-energy piece, but with a different feel—sexy, intense, and full of emotion. You've got the technique, but the judges are going to be looking for that connection, that fire. I need you to focus on emotion and execution. Show them the chemistry between you two."

Karina flashed a confident smile, her eyes flicking toward Sunghoon, who gave a small nod in response. He kept his expression neutral, but the tension in his shoulders eased slightly. They knew their strength lay in their ability to convey raw emotion through their skating, and they'd need to bring that out now more than ever.

Chan crossed his arms, giving all four skaters a serious look. "This competition will push you. I know it's sudden, but you're all capable of bringing something incredible to the ice. Show me what you've got."

As practice began, the rink was filled with the sound of blades cutting across the ice, the music of 'Silent Cry' and 'Taste' blending in the background as each pair worked through their routines. Jake and Winter moved with precision and power, their jumps high and their spins sharp. On the other side of the rink, Sunghoon and Karina glided through their choreography with grace, every move dripping with intensity.

Jake couldn't help but glance over at Sunghoon from time to time, the competitive spark in his chest growing stronger with each look. Sunghoon, however, stayed focused on his routine, his movements precise but filled with emotion as he and Karina worked through their lifts and spins.

After an hour of practice, Chan called them all over again. "Alright, good work today. We've got two weeks, so keep up this level of intensity. Jake, Winter—focus on nailing those jumps and perfecting your transitions. Sunghoon, Karina—you've got the chemistry, but I want more emotion. Make the audience feel it."

The four skaters nodded, each feeling the weight of the upcoming competition. As they packed up, the tension between Jake and Sunghoon remained thick, neither one speaking as they changed out of their skates. Jake could feel the unspoken words hanging between them, but now wasn't the time to address them.

Outside the rink, as they all went their separate ways, Jake glanced back at Sunghoon one last time. This competition wasn't just about skating—it felt like it was about proving something to each other, too. Whatever unresolved tension lingered between them would only grow as they prepared to face off on the ice.

And two weeks wasn't a lot of time.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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