Third Person Pov

The sun was shining brightly as Jake met Heeseung outside his apartment building. They exchanged smiles and casual greetings, ready for their day out. They decided to kick things off with a relaxing Korean BBQ dinner, a favorite of theirs.

When they got to the restaurant, the smell of grilled meat and spices hit them. It was busy, but they found a small table for two. As they sat down, the sound of meat sizzling on the grill added a nice background to their conversation.

"So, how's Dani?" Heeseung asked, piercing a piece of meat and handing it to Jake.

Jake took the meat with a grateful nod. "She's doing well, studying a lot, but I'm happy for her. She's really into you, Heeseung. I'm glad she found someone like you."

Heeseung's smile widened, a hint of blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Thanks, Jake. It's nice to hear that. I haven't seen her in a few days, though."

Jake chuckled, enjoying their conversation. "Yeah, she's been swamped with schoolwork, But she talks about you a lot. It's clear she really likes you."

Heeseung's expression softened. "I like her too. She's amazing. I just want to make sure I'm doing right by her."

Jake nodded in understanding. "You're doing great, Heeseung. Just keep being yourself."

Their conversation continued, the two of them laughing every once in a while. After their meal, they decided to call it a day as they two of them were tired and had university tommorow.

As they approached Jake's house later that evening, Heeseung gave him a friendly pat on the back. "Hey, if you ever need to talk more or just hang out, you know where to find me. Don't hesitate to reach out."

Jake smiled, feeling a renewed sense of gratitude for his friend's support. "I will, Heeseung. Thanks for today. It really helped."

They parted ways with a wave, Jake opened the door, and stepped into his house. He greeted his parents before going up to his room.

After a relaxing shower, Jake sat on his bed, scrolling through his Instagram feed. His heart sank when he came across a post from the official skating page.

He knew that Sunghoon was bound to find another partner eventually, but never did he think that he would be so quick to replace him, It made him feel pretty bad about himself

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He knew that Sunghoon was bound to find another partner eventually, but never did he think that he would be so quick to replace him, It made him feel pretty bad about himself.

Jake's stomach twisted as he scrolled down to see the comments, a mix of excitement and negativity, but what hit Jake the hardest were the harsh words directed at him.

"Sunghoon made the right choice. Jake was never good enough for him," one comment read.

Another said, "Karina and Sunghoon are a perfect match. Jake was just holding him back."

Jake's heart ached with each comment he read. Tears welled up in his eyes as he absorbed the cruel judgments. The mix of personal disappointment the critism was really gettting to him.

His sister Dani, hearing his muffled sobs from the other room, knocked softly on his door. "Jake? Are you okay?"

Jake struggled to compose himself, but the tears continued to flow. "Yeah, I'm fine," he managed  say, his voice conflicting his words.

Dani, sensing that something was wrong, opened the door and stepped inside. She found Jake sitting on the edge of his bed, his phone in his lap, tears streaming down his face. Without hesitation, she sat beside him and wrapped her arms around him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dani asked gently, her voice filled with concern.

Jake leaned into her embrace, his sobs growing louder. "Do you think it was ever going to last? I see all these comments saying I wasn't good enough to skate with Sunghoon. I feel like such a failure."

Dani's worried look turned into a frown. "Jake, you're not a failure, i totally get where you are coming from, i mean people are horrible, you and Sunghoon had something good but maybe it wasn't meant to be."

Jake shook his head, the weight of his emotions heavy on his shoulders. "I just... I feel like I'm not good enough for anyone."

Dani wiped his tears away, her voice soothing. "You're more than enough, Jake, the fact that you got the opportunity the skate with Sunghoon says everything, that's something to be proud of. Don't let the negativity get to you. I'm here for you, and you're not alone."

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now