Third Person Pov

Sunghoon sat in the corner of the rink, lacing up his skates while Jay stretched nearby. The familiar sounds of skates slicing the ice and laughter filled the air, but Jay's attention remained focused on his friend.

"Hey, Sunghoon," Jay began cautiously, glancing at him. "How are things at home? You seemed a bit off yesterday."

Sunghoon shrugged, attempting to brush off the concern. "It's fine. Just the usual stuff with my parents. You know how they are."

Jay frowned, not buying the dismissal. "You sure? You don't have to handle it all alone. I'm here if you need to talk."

"I'm fine, really," Sunghoon insisted, avoiding Jay's gaze. "It's nothing I can't handle."

Jay sighed, recognizing the walls Sunghoon had put up. He decided to change the subject. "Okay, but what's up with you and Jake? There's been some serious tension lately."

Sunghoon paused, his fingers freezing mid-lace. "It was just a misunderstanding. I was in a bad mood because of my parents, and I took it out on him. But we talked, and things are better now."

Jay studied Sunghoon's expression, noting the flicker of guilt that crossed his face. "You felt bad about it, didn't you?"

Sunghoon huffed, looking away. "Yeah, I guess. I shouldn't have snapped at him like that. We're good now, though."

A smirk spread across Jay's face. "Maybe you like him."

"What?" Sunghoon turned to Jay, eyes wide. "No, it's not like that."

Jay chuckled, clearly enjoying the teasing. "You've been different around him. Just saying."

"It's not that," Sunghoon insisted, though a flicker of doubt crept in. "He's just... interesting, I guess. We're getting along better now."

"Interesting, huh?" Jay raised an eyebrow, still grinning. "Well, you better figure it out, especially since you're going to be skating together."

Sunghoon sighed, running a hand through his hair. The prospect of pair skating with Jake was daunting but also intriguing. "I know. It's just... complicated."

"Just talk to him," Jay advised, his tone softening. "You might find that he's not so different from you. And if you're going to be partners, it might help to really understand each other."

As they headed back onto the ice, Sunghoon couldn't shake the conversation from his mind. Jay's teasing lingered, making him wonder if there was more to his feelings about Jake than he cared to admit.

Watching Jake practice, Sunghoon felt a mix of emotions. Maybe Jay was right—maybe there was something worth exploring. And with the pair skating competition on the horizon, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to find out.

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now