Third Person Pov

The familiar chill of the rink enveloped Jake as he walked in with the rest of the crew. He was greeted by the sight of Sunghoon and Jay already on the ice, practicing together in sync. Jay effortlessly glided across the rink with his hockey stick in one hand, while Sunghoon executed precise jumps and spins with his usual intensity.

Jungwon and Jay shared a brief kiss near the boards, drawing mixed reactions from the group. Ni-ki wrinkled his nose in mock disgust, earning a playful shove from Heeseung.

Meanwhile, Jake and Sunghoon's eyes met across the rink. The tension between them was palpable, a silent acknowledgment of the unresolved conversation from their last encounter. Sunghoon's expression remained unreadable, his focus on his skating unwavering.

Heeseung noticed the charged atmosphere but chose to not speak on it, and continued to skate alongside Ni-ki and Sunoo. As the group glided across the ice, it became increasingly clear that Jake and Sunghoon's silent standoff was affecting the entire dynamic.

After a particularly awkward moment where Jake and Sunghoon nearly collided, the rest of the crew gathered off to the side, exchanging concerned glances.

"What's going on with those two?" Jungwon whispered, eyeing Jake and Sunghoon.

Ni-ki shrugged, shooting a glance in their direction. "They've been like that since yesterday. Something's definitely up."

Heeseung nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed. "It's like they're avoiding each other, but at the same time, they can't stop staring."

Sunoo chimed in, "Maybe we should just ask them. It's getting awkward."

With a shared nod, the group approached Jake and Sunghoon as they took a break near the boards.

"Hey guys, everything okay?" Jungwon asked casually, though his concern was evident.

Jake and Sunghoon exchanged a quick glance before Jake replied with forced nonchalance, "Yeah, everything's fine. Just a bit tired today."

Sunghoon remained silent, his gaze fixed on the ice.

Ni-ki frowned, unconvinced. "Are you sure? Because it seems like there's some tension between you two."

Jake chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Tension? Nah, you guys are imagining things."

Sunghoon finally spoke, his voice cool and detached. "Yeah, we're fine. Just had a misunderstanding yesterday."

The group exchanged skeptical looks, sensing there was more to the story. But without further explanation from Jake or Sunghoon, they reluctantly dropped the subject and returned to the ice.

As Jake resumed skating, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The unresolved tension with Sunghoon weighed heavily on his mind, leaving him questioning their complicated dynamic. Sunghoon, meanwhile, focused on his own skating, the unspoken words between them lingering in the air like a promise of future confrontation.

In their silence, both Jake and Sunghoon wondered how long they could maintain the facade of indifference before the truth inevitably surfaced.

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now