Third Person Pov

Jake walked into the rink, feeling the familiar chill of the ice and the buzz of anticipation in the air. Today, he was meeting Sunghoon for another practice session, but something felt different. As he laced up his skates, he noticed a group of fans gathered near the entrance, whispering and pointing in his direction.

Taking a deep breath, Jake stepped onto the ice, focusing on his warm-up. The murmurs grew louder, and he could hear snippets of their conversation.

"Why is he skating with Sunghoon?"

"He doesn't even compare to Karina."

"Sunghoon deserves a better partner."

The words stung, and Jake felt his confidence waver. He tried to shake it off, but the harsh comments echoed in his mind. Just as he was about to start his routine, one of the fans stepped forward, her expression a mix of curiosity and disdain.

"Hey, Jake, right?" she called out, her voice carrying a challenging tone. "Do you really think you can keep up with Sunghoon? He's always been better off with Karina."

Jake paused, uncertainty clouding his thoughts. "I'm doing my best," he replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "We're working hard together."

Another fan chimed in, crossing her arms. "You're just dragging him down. He needs someone at his level."

The sting of their words pierced through him, but before he could respond, Sunghoon skated over, a determined look in his eyes.

"What's going on here?" Sunghoon asked, his tone icy as he glanced at the group.

"We were just telling Jake that he's not the right partner for you," one of the fans said, trying to sound casual but failing to mask her unimpressed attitude.

Sunghoon's expression hardened. "Jake is my partner, and he's doing great. We're a team, and that's not going to change."

Jake looked at Sunghoon, surprised by his fierce defense. The fans seemed taken aback, unsure how to respond.

"But Sunghoon, think about your image—" one of them started, but Sunghoon cut her off.

"My image isn't your concern. What matters is how we perform on the ice, and I trust Jake completely. If you're really my fans, you should support my decisions."

The fans fell silent, exchanging uncertain glances. Sunghoon's words hung in the air, creating an awkward tension. Jake felt a mix of gratitude and relief, the weight of their criticism lifting slightly.

As the fans dispersed, Sunghoon turned to Jake, his expression softening. "Don't let them get to you. We've got this."

"Thanks, hoon," Jake replied, his voice filled with appreciation. "I didn't expect you to step in like that."

Sunghoon smirked "Hoon?"

"You know what i meant" jake playfully rolled his eyes.

Feeling a renewed sense of determination, They returned to their practice, the incident with the fans only fueling their drive. With each move and lift, the bond between them strengthened, their trust growing deeper.

As they finished their routine, Jake felt a sense of accomplishment. Even though sunghoons fans go to him a little, he wasn't about to let their opinions ruin his hard work.

Edge of the Rink: Where Pride Meets Passion | jakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now