5. the party

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Saturday arrived with a buzz of anticipation. Y/N had been looking forward to the 8th-grade party ever since Shuji invited her. It felt like the perfect opportunity to solidify her place in this new town and meet more people from her new school.

The day passed slowly as she went through her usual routines, helping out at the daycare, but her thoughts kept drifting to the evening's event. By late afternoon, she couldn't contain her excitement any longer and decided to start getting ready.

She picked out her favorite outfit: a stylish, off-shoulder long-sleeve top paired with a jeans mini skirt and her trusty sneakers.

She carefully applied her makeup, opting for a bold lip color that added a pop of confidence to her look

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She carefully applied her makeup, opting for a bold lip color that added a pop of confidence to her look. As she checked herself in the mirror, she felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. This party was a chance to reinvent herself, away from the rumors and judgments of her old school.

At exactly 7 PM, the doorbell rang. Y/N took a deep breath, gave herself one last glance in the mirror, and headed downstairs. She opened the door to find Shuji standing there, looking effortlessly cool in a casual yet stylish outfit. His eyes widened when he saw her.

"Wow, you look amazing," Shuji said, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"Thanks, you too," Y/N replied with a smile, feeling her own cheeks warm.

As they walked to the party, the summer evening air was filled with the sounds of crickets and the faint hum of distant music. Shuji kept the conversation light, talking about his favorite bands and sharing funny stories about his friends. Y/N found herself laughing and relaxing, grateful for his easygoing nature.

The party was at Evan's house, a large, welcoming place with a sprawling backyard. As they approached, Y/N could see strings of fairy lights hanging from the trees, casting a warm glow over the gathering. The sound of music and laughter grew louder, and she felt a thrill of excitement.

Inside the yard, teens were scattered around, some dancing, others chatting in groups smoking and drinking. Y/N recognized a few faces from the skate park and daycare. Kira, with her vibrant blue hair, waved them over.

"Y/N! Shuji! Glad you could make it!" Kira greeted them, her energy infectious.

"Wouldn't miss it," Shuji replied, giving Kira a playful nudge.

Evan joined them, offering drinks and introducing Y/N to more people. Everyone was friendly, and Y/N felt the initial tension in her shoulders ease as she mingled and chatted she could feel a bit of stares but she just shrugged it off. Shuji stayed close, occasionally touching her arm or making her laugh with a witty comment.

As the night went on, the party's energy grew. A group of kids started a bonfire in the backyard, and people gathered around. Y/N found herself in a circle with Shuji, Kira, Evan, and a few others, everybody started smoking, and that's when shuji took out his blunt putting it on. ''damm why didn't anybody tell me yo guys smoke, i would take some stuff with me'' you say slightly disappointed ''oh you smoke?'' shuji says ''yes I smoke dummy'' you say back while rolling your eyes, the rest of the group laughs. that's when you snatch Shuji's blunt out of his hand and take a puff. he just smirks at you, while watching you closely. you see Andy and Evan whisper while looking at shuji. ''anyway I'm gonna go dance anyone care to join?'' you say while standing up ''Yup, I'm coming!'' Kira says. you and Kira arrive at the dance floor and start dancing together. you start swinging your hips to the beat of the music staying close with Kira as you dance on each other feeling yourselves. you can feel someone stare at you, and as you try to see who it is you realize it is shuji. staring deep into your soul while smirking at your body moving, you can feel ourself get red. cuz he saw you look back at him and his smirk only grew bigger.

As the night wore on, the music shifted to slower, more relaxed tunes. Shuji took Y/N's hand and led her to a quieter corner of the yard where they could still see the bonfire but were away from the main crowd.

"I'm really glad you came tonight," Shuji said, his voice soft and sincere.

"Me too," Y/N replied, meeting his gaze. "Thanks for inviting me. This has been... really great."

They stood there for a moment, the soft glow of the fire casting shadows on their faces. Shuji hesitated, then gently reached out to tuck a strand of Y/N's hair behind her ear.

"Can I ask you something?" he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Sure," Y/N replied, her heart pounding.

"Would you... would you want to go out sometime? Like, on a real date?"

Y/N felt a smile spread across her face. "I'd like that," she said.

Shuji's face lit up, and he took her hand again, giving it a gentle squeeze. pulling y/n closer to him so now they were only inches apart, y/n felt his hot breath on her while she looked at his lips she looked up at him to see him with a stupid grin on his face. ''can I?'' he asks as you give him a gentle nod. he smiles and pulls you in for a soft and gentle kiss. They stood there for a while longer staring at each other, smiling and talking, enjoying each other's company as the party continued around them.

When it was time to leave, Shuji walked Y/N home. The streets were quiet, the air cool and refreshing. They talked about the night, and their hopes for the new school year, and shared more about their lives.

At her doorstep, Shuji paused, looking a little nervous. "So, uh, goodnight, Y/N," he said.

"Goodnight, Shuji," Y/N replied. On an impulse, she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Thanks for everything."

Shuji's face turned a deep shade of red, and he grinned. "Anytime."

As Y/N watched him walk away, she felt a sense of contentment and excitement. This new town, this new life, was starting to feel like home. And with friends like Shuji and the others, she knew she could face whatever challenges came her way.

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