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"Good morning Taylor family!" Alani loudly greets as she walks into cafe book store. It's Wednesday which means one of her best mornings out of the week.

However this one was different.

Flashback to Monday after everything was let out .

Emilio was fucking furious. Murderous sinful thoughts flooded his mind as soon as he heard of how sick and disgusting this man was. He wanted to torture him,not kill him, he doesn't deserve that pleasure. The mafia deals with perverted men like him and they do not show one drop of kindness. Even the mafia has morals...some.

Though, he had to swallow all his anger and fart it out.


He took deep breaths in attempts to conceal his anger and mafia mindset. He didn't want them to know about this life, it's terrifying however he couldn't help think about how Oscar would fit right in as what he did today made Emilio proud.

Alani on the other hand looked horrified. She couldn't believe how evil and perverted a man can be. How Oscar responded as well made her conflicted as well. Unsure whether to be proud or scared she said

"Baby...that must've have so hard for you...this is...this is a lot. Well Mr Thomson seems terrified of you so I think I can assure you we will not loose the house. Just go get some sleep ok no school for you or Olivia this week."

"Ok Lani...I'm sorry for worrying you...Lio?" He whispers then looks to Emilio, scared of disappointment and scared of his silence.

"It's ok tesoro I'll sort it who said you were allowed to be stronger and scarier then me eh?" He responds wanting to ease the situation slightly.

Oscar chuckles, then shrugs with a smirk. "The student becomes the master it seems." Then leaves the room after saying good night to the both of them with a hug.

Once Oscar is out of sight, Emilio turns to Alani, grabs her shoulders and looks at her.

His heart breaks even more as well as his gaze as he stared at Alanis teary eyes and shaking lips in the shape of a frown.

Pulling her into a hug he says

"Hey hey hey heyyyy you loser everything's gonna be fine trust me. I'll sort it out trust me. I'll come on Wednesday to the diner and I'll tell you everything, tomorrow everything will be fixed. Your job is to focus on Olivia and Oscar they are both pretty shaken up. Ok peaches?"

During this, Alani just silently cries in Emilios warm embrace,slowly being comforted by his words. Shortly after she realises how weak she's being, takes a deep breath and wipes her tears.

Pulling out of the hug she says, looking in Emilio with admiration and gratitude shining in her eyes,
"Thank you so much Lio, I appreciate it I don't think I could handle this one alone so thank you for your help I'll remember it forever."

"No problem sis now go to sleep. I'll lock the doors and leave. See you on Tuesday and try not to worry too much. Goodnight!" He says as he pushes her towards the stair so she can go up to bed.

In return she giggles and complies and said " Goodnight loser I love you." Then runs up to bed.

"Yeah yeah" he rolls his eyes despite being alone and leave the house after ensuring all doors are unlocked.

Getting into his car he instantly calls Darino.

"Rino, can you please do a background check on this man called Peter Thomson. This pig deserves hell I'm bringing him in. I'll explain all of this to you when I come... it's gonna be a busy day tomorrow."

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