15 2 3

"Então, como você sabe, aquele mal-humorado ali é o seu novo senhorio-" Emilio starts subtly pointing at Darino. But he was interrupted by Alani quiet scoff.
(So as you know the grumpy one over there is your new landlord-)

"Hmph mal-humorado é um eufemismo. Estou realmente ansioso para que ele esteja ainda mais na minha vida. Vai ser muito divertido." She sarcastically says, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.
(I fucking forgot to copy the translation but this is what it was supposed to say I think: grumpy is an understatement im really looking forward for him to be in my life even more. It's gonna be a bunch of fun.)

"Você vai me deixar falar mulher!" He exclaimed
(Will you let me speak woman!)

Alani didn't reply but instead gestured for him to continue.

"Agora eu sei que você teme que ele seja seu senhorio, mas, para ser sincero, estou feliz que ele esteja. Ele pode ser mau, mas é justo. Posso prometer que ele não é como o outro porco, na verdade não tenho certeza se ele te contou isso, mas ele me ajudou a tirá-lo da sua vida sem fazer perguntas." He explains
(Now i know you are dreading him being your landlord but being honest i am glad he is. He may be mean but he is fair. I can promise you he is not like the other pig, in fact im not sure if he told you this but he helped me get him out of your life without any questions. )

Emilio was about to continue however couldn't as Lucas cut in and said

"Oi check your phone."

He had nudged Lios led with his foot to get his attention in which an annoyed deep sigh was returned from Lio.

"Sorry Lani ill get back to you in a bit."

"It's fine." She replied, brushing it off as she saw the apologetic look on his face and wanted to reassure that it's ok. She understood he was a busy, hardworking man and things needed sorting out.

Deciding to give them a bit of space, she decided to put her weapons away as well as make some drinks.

"Next week Friday, inner circle meeting at 4am. It seems like the Russian mafia is becoming ally's with the Mexicans. In that meeting we will discuss who shall be out next ally and how do we put an end to the Russians growing power. I fucking hate them." Darino firmly explains once Alani left. However toward the last bit his tone became more deadly and viscous.

The Russians per usual were the most disliked mafia in the whole criminal world. Their ego was insanely high, especially the King of the mafia: Arkody Maxim.

He was a disgusting man, truly evil. He has done things that even Darino feels repulsed to do. He's done evil things that even majority of mafia kings frown upon-and that is why he is the most hated.

It came as a shock to see this new uprising power,but everyone knew that as long as Darino is king, nobody could come close to overthrowing him.

"4am! Have you fucking lost the plot!" Lucas,of course, was first to complain. However there was a reason for the unusual time.

The Italian mafia is filled with thousands and thousands of members, especially in America as the king lives there. So, it means it's very likely for a traitor or mole to be undercover and this situation required only a small inner circle of the most trusted members to attend. If an inner circle meeting is held during the day, word would get out that the mafias power is being threatened. It also means a better opportunity for the traitor to work and gather information. So, holding it at a time where almost everyone is off duty and asleep means a more secure meeting.

If that makes sense.

Darino shot him a look which means meant don't question me. Questioning the king was essentially asking to be killed however because Darino hates Lucas a little bit less then the other members, he gets  away with it.

"We'll be there don't worry." Noah says then leaves.

"Hey where are you going!" Lucas calls out.

"To help Alani with whatever she's doing." He explains without looking back, just wanting to be near Alani. It's just something about her presence.

It's warming.

"I want to come as well! Don't worry Alani your favourite is coming!" He shouts as he rushes up,following Noah.

Surprisingly Darino had said nothing nor hold them back from going. He just allowed them to go though a tiny part of him wanted to grab their collars and shove them back to the sofa. Purely because there was a lot of work to be done and things to discuss of course.

But, he did see a flash of anger, jealousy and hurt quickly sprint across Emilio face. In that moment he (rather lately) realised and deeped that Alani is really really really important to Emilio.

"Well we might as well go with them." Darino randomly says breaking the short but comfortable silence. He felt a smidge bit bad for Lio. He knew he didn't want Alanis love and attention to be shared. Emilio wanted it all to himself, fearing that their relationship would change.

He too did not like change.

"Yeah we should , we need to get through this together." Emilio reply's standing up and taking a deep breath whilst doing a tiny stretch.

"And we will. Eles são loucos por pensar que podem chegar perto da minha máfia. Bastardos estúpidos" Darino says also standing up and walking towards the kitchen.
(They are crazy to think they can come close to my mafia. Stupid bastards)

A small silence had followed after the language switch up. Darino turned around to see Emilio paused with a shocked expression on his face

"Since when did you learn Portuguese!" He exclaimed. He did not expect Darino to fart out some Portuguese today.

"It doesn't matter. When you go talk to Alani go to her room and do it." He said wanting to give them privacy.

Originally he didn't want to reveal he knew the language at first partially because he wasn't even paying attention to them and because he was a tad bit nosey.

Sue him.

They continued towards the kitchen and as they neared it they already dreaded what they would walk into.

Noah and Lucas were arguing per usual and when they argue it's fucking loud and it's fucking annoying.

So with a deep breath they both entered the chaos.

I just want to say sorry for not updating regularly I said I was gonna lock in but idk what's going on with me

but anyways I also wanted to say that I really love the last chapter I think it's so sweet

it's a short chapter i apologise

tysm for reading

remember to comment and vote

bye pooks!

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