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"What are you doing here. You stalking me?" Alanis says quietly, straightening up and quickly becoming aware and alert of the intimidating man in-front of her. She looks up at him then scans over his muscular body quickly. Just to see.

Darino was wearing a prestige black trousers paired with a black shirt. She noticed it was untucked, something she assumed would make him have a seizure but no. He didn't. His brown hair was slightly gelled and styles with a few strands out of place. It made him more attractive. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and Lani could see only one of his beautifully ringed hands. The light was coming from behind him which made him look as if he was holy. As if he was an angel sent from the heavens to save her.

But he was the devil in disguise.

"I have better things to do with my time then stalk you of all people." he says with slight disgust. But he doesn't know if he actually means his words.

"Yet who's the one watching me work?" Alani replies angrily, now standing up clearly offended.

"Don't think you're anyone special. I came here to speak to you." He declares whilst sitting down in the seat in front of her. All while he was doing this Alani was watching (or glaring) as he proudly moved to the seat,gesturing her to sit as if she was his dog.

With stern, angry eyes, she hesitantly complies.

Darino couldn't help himself and lunged towards her and kissed her passionately.

No he didn't.

But he couldn't help but stare deeply into Alanis beautiful green eyes. It was probably his favourite thing about her so far apart from her natural prettiness, her hair, her bravery and how much love she had and inside of her. So, looking into her eyes he felt angry. Could it be because he was angry at himself for what he was doing in that moment? Or the sad emptiness she covers with a half fake happiness hiding as if her eyes were a forest?

Alani slowly sat down, maintaining the eye contact and slightly angered look on her face.

"I have some news for you-" Darino starts as he leans back on his seat ,manspreading a bit with a tiny smirk. He was impressed she kept eye contact with him for so long. Not many can do that but she did. And he doesn't know how to feel about it.

"How did you know I worked here as well?" She quickly snaps ignoring what he said previously.

"- you may not like it but quite frankly i do not care if you do or not."

"Emilio told you?"

"Yes, he did" he lied.

Emilio did not tell him.

He found out during his deep check on the innocent woman. However Emilio did know that Darino would speak to Alani today, he just didn't know when.

Alani on the other hand was internally cursing her stupid Lio, hoping he embarrasses himself today as punishment of sending the devil to her place of comfort.

But she also was acutely aware of the intimidating yet beautiful man in front of her. She wasn't afraid of him. She didn't allow herself too. From early she brought herself up to become strong and fearless. It's what comes with being a mother. So she didn't want this man to see her as weak. He was clearly a dominant man and our beloved Lani wanted to challenge him. Something she assumed no one does.

So she kept eye contact with a cold look on her face.

"What are you here for just get it over with." Alani lowly says.

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